It is so good to talk to you - 'Ostomates'

Nov 17, 2011 12:47 pm

It is so good to talk to you.

For you are one of just a few.

Although we sometimes don’t agree.

You always show respect for me.

You have a non-judgmental air.

And you always seem to care.

You show an interest so intense.

It’s genuine, with no pretence.

You listen to my tails of woe.

As if you’ve nowhere else to go.

You always seem to comprehend.

And act like you are my best friend.

I’ve tried to talk to other folk.

But wish my words I could revoke.

To talk to them is not the same.

With critical response and blame.

It’s so good to have discussions.

Without fear of repercussions.

As we have talked I think you know.

That talking’s helped our friendship grow

When I am in your company.

I feel you have more empathy.

A natural propensity.

To listen with intensity.

I like to talk when you are there.

For you are never doctrinaire.

You always keep an open mind.

You’re never anything but kind.

You make me feel I’m not alone.

When we talk upon the phone.

Be it by email or by blog.

I love constructive dialogue.

I would like to congratulate.

The way that you communicate

I always feel you understand.

And with your words you hold my hand.

Through the troubled paths I tread.

I remember things you’ve said.

It may sound twee but it is true.

It’s been so good to talk to you.

B. Withers 2011

Past Member
Nov 17, 2011 3:31 pm

Wow Bill!! So expertly've just summed up this wonderful site. Thank you, Colm Ps. Note to Admin.......perhaps you should talk to Bill and ask to use this wonderful piece as a testimonial for the site???

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Nov 18, 2011 10:03 pm

Bill, just wanted you to know that I just joined this site as I had my bladder removed and a urostomy 10 days ago. I have been feeling so down today and came to this site and your entry made me feel so much better. I felt like there is hope! Thank you.

Nov 19, 2011 4:56 am

Another wonderful poem, thanks Bill. The feeling is mutual.

Nov 19, 2011 8:09 am

What words of wisdom and encouragement! I think that you've captured the essence of many of our ventures here, Bill, especially in the line and with your words you hold my hand! Thanks for these wonderful thoughts! Darla

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister
Nov 19, 2011 2:22 pm
Thank you very much for your all your comments. I'm so pleased that you have simply read the verses let alone enjoyed them. Best wishes to you all. Bill