Countdown to Ileostomy Reversal: What to Expect Post-Op?

Jan 31, 2012 3:21 pm

It's almost three weeks now post-op. I don't know why they have the stoma wound heal from the inside out, I will ask that when I go on Thursday. As far as food... I made up French toast ahead of time and put it in the freezer, as well as leftover turkey and gravy, cheese-stuffed shells, banana bread, etc. I like to cook, and it really helped when the kitchen looked so far away I didn't know if I could get there. My sister stayed with me for a week and was my gopher... Go for this, go for that... I bought plenty of juice, Gatorade because I tend to have low potassium, bananas. I was told to have coffee and tea sparingly. They retain fluids in your body. Raw veggies, salad, and fruit with skin is last. You want your innards well healed so nothing is hard to pass through the healing tissues and digests easily.
I did not need much extra pain meds when I got home. I mainly take Tylenol due to Crohn's, I have to stay away from ibuprofen, and only took the Percocet at night or when doing the two-hour ride to Philly...
Thinking positive thoughts on your upcoming surgeries, ostomates!

Feb 01, 2012 2:34 pm

Dandare, I may be visiting your neck of the woods this summer, at least Dublin for sure... Any new news on your reversal? My open wound is healing slowly. I went out for a walk yesterday, mild here for this time of year... 50, and started to get a stitch in my side. Got to slow down...see surgeon for another checkup tomorrow...

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Past Member
Feb 01, 2012 5:15 pm
Dear Darla,

It's Feb 1st! I am thinking about you! Best outcome for your reversal!!!!
Feb 02, 2012 5:43 am

Thoughts and prayers for Darla on this, her reversal day..
I guess technically now it's reversal day +1, but since we haven't heard from her, I'm going to assume she got it done.

Feb 02, 2012 5:35 pm
Hi Dave
I did have it done and have already had my first BM!! Surgery went well, they did it all laparoscopically.    Still in a bit of pain but so far so good. Will update you again soon.        Darla
How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Feb 03, 2012 1:05 am

So happy for you, Bag n Drag! Just take it easy and follow the doctor's orders! I had the lap too, and have the open wound healing from the stoma. How about you?

Feb 03, 2012 8:34 pm

Congrats Darla and I hope you heal up quickly - it must be wonderful for you - are you missing your little friend? Or did you drop him like a hot potato LOL

Side note for Dave - get lots of sleep and food and drink - don't dehydrate yourself whatever you do - you can always message me on here too - I am not a full member yet so I cannot send email but I can read and reply to someone who sends email to me - I also have MRSA - caught in the hospital of course

Feb 03, 2012 9:27 pm
I kinda am missing Old Faithful... It is a weird feeling not to have him anymore. Dave, yes, drink and eat well while you can... I am on clear liquids now... J-E-L-L-O!!!!

Doing well.
Feb 03, 2012 9:43 pm

Good for you, Darla - now don't you be wrestling in that jello, it's for eating. LMSO

Feb 04, 2012 12:39 am
I will try to resist temptation....could liven things up around here!!!!
Feb 04, 2012 4:52 pm

Hurray!!! JELLO!!! Not being facetious. Every little baby step counts. Glad to hear you're doing well.

Yukon steve
Feb 04, 2012 7:24 pm

Hope you are feeling well today. I hope you are on solid foods soon. Jello gets boring really fast.

Feb 05, 2012 8:44 am

Good to hear from you, Darla, and that's awesome news about the reversal and the BM. Keep us posted. I am just over 2 weeks away... getting nervous.

Feb 05, 2012 1:06 pm
Beaner, I saw my stoma site yesterday for the first time and man, it is just a tiny little hole that is healing up nicely.    All this is so strange after having the bag there for so long!!

Dave, yes these last couple of weeks will fly by.....just keep your eyes on the prize, my friend.    I really hope that your procedure goes as smoothly as mine and Beaner's has.......Beaner's recovery has gone so well to date and I am doing MUCH better in the hospital than I thought I would.    I can't emphasize enough the need for butt paste, baby wipes, and soft toilet paper.    I swear this stuff in here has "10 grit" stamped to the inside of the roll!!!    Since they upped my lomotil dose yesterday my BM's have gone from about 20 per day to about 12 or so and I did not have a bedtime accident last night.    Good news every day!!

Sending good thoughts your way!!!
Feb 05, 2012 2:33 pm
Beaner, I saw my stoma site yesterday for the first time and man, it is just a tiny little hole that is healing up nicely.    All this is so strange after having the bag there for so long!!

Dave, yes these last couple of weeks will fly by.....just keep your eyes on the prize, my friend.    I really hope that your procedure goes as smoothly as mine and Beaner's has.......Beaner's recovery has gone so well to date and I am doing MUCH better in the hospital than I thought I would.    I can't emphasize enough the need for butt paste, baby wipes, and soft toilet paper.    I swear this stuff in here has "10 grit" stamped to the inside of the roll!!!    Since they upped my lomotil dose yesterday my BMs have gone from about 20 per day to about 12 or so and I did not have a bedtime accident last night.    Good news every day!!

Sending good thoughts your way!!!

That's wonderful, Darla!
Sounds like good news all around. Gives hope to us that have yet to face the reversal surgery.
So glad to hear you are doing so well. No doubt your attitude has everything to do with it.
Also, nice to hear how small the open wound is. That's the one that had me worried. I am diabetic and my healing is impaired as it is, I wasn't looking forward to that wound. On the plus side, my original incision that took 65 staples to close, had faded to nothing but a slightly pinkish strip up my belly. So there is hope!
The lomotil, is that like an anti-diarrheal?
Feb 05, 2012 3:25 pm

I am diabetic, too, and had been worried about healing. So, when they took that big ole bandage off yesterday, I was shocked to see this small round area about the size of a dime already holding together quite nicely.....barely any discharge and very healthy-looking. I peeked at it again this morning, and it looks oozing or anything. My diabetes is under control with no meds..last A1C was 5.6. Lomotil is a prescription anti-diarrheal med, a rung above Imodium, control-wise. Many people use Imodium with success......I will probably try it too when I get a little more regulated. I did not have an accident last night, which is wonderful this early in the game!!! My doc should be in soon, so I will ask him about my timeline for going home!


Feb 05, 2012 3:31 pm
You rock.
Feb 05, 2012 5:31 pm
Amazing!!! So very happy to hear you're doing so well!! Thank you so much for updating daily and providing the details. I had forgotten about the hospital TP being not so charmin'... lol...
Feb 05, 2012 8:39 pm

Hi Fable!!
Yes, I am trying to provide details so that others may read and heed!
So when are you scheduled?
I've been thinking of you....hoping things are stable and that
you are looking forward to your reversal date soon! Add some Charmin to your list of must-haves! One not so pleasant side effect of this ordeal is that they have pumped me with 30 lbs (yes, 30!) of fluid trying to get my BP up...mine runs low normally but they have been worried post-surgery. Gosh, I feel like I slosh every time I take a step!! I will be asking for Lasix as soon as I see my doc in the a.m....I got the on-call doc today who is not interested in my fluid woes.
All in all, I have done better than I could have ever asked for to date. I have a feeling that both you and Dave will do splendidly, too. Darla

Yukon steve
Feb 05, 2012 9:21 pm

Glad to hear you are healing so well. Keep it up! My stoma scar is straight and had 12 staples in it, and it is healing lumpy.

Yukon steve
Feb 05, 2012 9:29 pm

Look on the bright side, hospital TP is a step up from a dried out corn cob.

Feb 05, 2012 9:39 pm
You're a nut, Steve.....and you've got a point.
Feb 06, 2012 10:35 pm

Hey all-

It's Monday afternoon, and I am home! Yes, I got to go home today! More later!


Feb 07, 2012 8:59 am
That's great news, Darla. So good to hear you are doing well. Gives me hope. My big day is in exactly two weeks. By all means, please keep me posted on your recovery. (As much or as little as you are comfortable with.)
I'm hoping for the scope. Even though my big incision healed nicely regardless of all those staples, I would still like to avoid them for a second time.
What have you been brave enough to eat?

Take care.

Feb 07, 2012 11:54 am
Hey Dave

On the dining front.....let's was liquids until Saturday afternoon; and then
for my first "meal" post-op; the fine hospital delicacy o' the day was BBQ beef with LOTS of spicy BBQ sauce AND broccoli madness (i.e., you served me broccoli for my FIRST solid food - are you MAD?!? lol) I sent it back. Every mouth-watering bite! I don't even want to THINK about the gas.............. or the burnin' ring o' fire from tons of spicy BBQ sauce!

The SECOND attempt I got at solid food was "mystery meat" chicken and "Kraft-In-A-Box" Mac and Cheese ....the kind I grew up on with the packet of powdered, orangey-yellow cheese. But hey, it wasn't broccoli! I am testing different foods under the heading of a "soft" diet. When I got home yesterday, my sweet hubby went out and got me a roasted chicken breast sandwich. I ate half for lunch and finished the other half for dinner. I've also had part of a sliced banana, a little bit of French toast, and a small amount of vanilla ice cream. Oh, and a peanut butter Girl Scout cookie. Drinking lots of water; a small amount of unsweetened iced tea. I will alternate with some Gatorade later on.

Everything eaten takes a very liquid form coming out; so I have to take the 2 Lomotil before each meal and 2 at bedtime to slow things down....also on 2 hydrocodone every 4 hours for pain, and the codeine helps to slow things down as well. I am different from a lot of other folks on here because most have some large intestine left their BM's are usually not so bad, frequency-wise, or liquid, like mine. I will always have to take Lomotil/Imodium/Codeine and/or psyllium husks for control because I have no large intestine left. It's small intestine sewn to rectum. No J pouch; as the rectum serves as my reservoir.

I actually got out of the hospital 2 days earlier than originally scheduled. My doc told me yesterday before I left, "You did GOOD!" I told him, "No, Dr. Hurley, YOU did good!" and then we both laughed and he hugged me. I am extremely blessed to have a very talented, kind, and compassionate colorectal surgeon on my team who will always go that extra mile for his patients.

Let's see....what else can I tell you? First night at bedtime accidents! I have the wound from the drain, the stoma site wound, and 3-4 laparoscope spots on my tummy which are all healing nicely. No stitches anywhere; just gauze and Medipore tape. I had a bad skin reaction to the Tegaderm they put on 2 of the spots after surgery; so I have some blood blisters to keep clean and dry, too. Loose, non-binding clothing. I have one of those disposable pads on the bed, just in case, compliments of one of the night nurses at the hospital. Keep the wipes and anti-monkey butt cream handy. No cheap toilet paper. And have your tablet and/or some good reading material or puzzle books for those times when it's just you and John (or Jane)!

Just 2 more weeks! I'm praying for you and keeping you in my best thoughts! You're almost there and I KNOW you will come through this with flying colors! In about 3 weeks, we'll be comparing notes and just think about all the great info you'll be able to share with others who will be in those "pre-op waiting game" shoes!

Feb 08, 2012 4:29 am

Dave, your big day is just around the corner! Get as strong as you can, bulk up on protein when you come home. It really helps with the healing process. I had my reversal on Jan. 12th and I am very happy with my healing process. I will look for a progress report soon... Ooooh, that sounds too much like the teacher in me!

Feb 08, 2012 4:57 am
Just a day less than two weeks. I'm putting together a shopping list of things to get stocked up on before I get it done. Protein items are now on the list. Thank you. Every little bit helps.
It's good to hear you are doing well and are so pleased with things so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I will definitely update as I am able to.
Thanks for the good vibes.

Feb 08, 2012 12:36 pm

Dave, try and get some Ensure High Protein Drink - the Chocolate is pretty good and the coffee is too. You can always mix it with a protein powder that you can buy in bulk from the "Bulk Barn"; it's cheaper that way. It will not leave a taste in the Ensure, and you can mix it into milk, cream soups, and yogurt. It will not change the taste. And if you don't like that idea, you can always use Carnation Milk Powder that you will find in the baking aisle of the grocery store. Good luck and let us all know how you are coming along.

Daisy Mae
Feb 11, 2012 12:42 am

Hi Dave. First time poster here. I remain hopeful for a reversal but it is way too early to determine if I will be a candidate for one or not. I will be reading your posts very carefully and with much empathy (as I have for everyone on this very helpful forum). Good luck and all the best to you.

Feb 11, 2012 12:52 am

Hey, Dave.... How are you holding up? Been thinking of you and praying for you!
