2021 World Ostomy Day Virtual Panel | EN - English

In addition to their ostomy journeys, panelists Gill, Matt, Tina, and Paul discuss living an active life, finding acceptance, treating the whole person, building connections with others through social media, misconceptions, and the importance of advocacy on behalf of the ostomy community.

Gill Castle @stoma_chameleon (IG)
Matt Clark @clarky_rugby_crohns (IG)
Tina Aswani Omprakash @ownyourcrohns (IG)| Own Your Crohn?s blog: https://ownyourcrohns.com
Dr. Paul Wischmeyer @paul_wischmeyermd (IG) | @Paul_Wischmeyer (TW)

For more in support of World Ostomy Day, visit https://www.hollister.com/en/worldostomyday

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