Problem with noisy gas and sometimes bad smell

Artist 01
Feb 15, 2010 7:53 pm
I'm in a nursing home and have been since I got my colostomy several years ago. I still have a problem that never goes away... gas that is unexpected and can sometimes be loud... sometimes almost sounds like it's playing a tune.

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The home provides us with a liquid deodorizer to go inside the pouch... I'm sure it works most of the time, but sometimes you can still smell it. Anyone else have this problem? I can't imagine there would be a solution for the noisy gas, but if there is, please tell me!!!!!!

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I'm afraid to venture out in public!
Feb 15, 2010 8:28 pm
As far as I know there is no sulution for gas?  Sorry
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Feb 15, 2010 9:28 pm
I have tried GasX, it helps a little bit. I had a date Friday night with a new fellow (who doesnt know yet about my bags), my stoma let out a really loud noise...I just said "Oops, there goes my stomach"...not sure he believed me...oh yeah, he hasnt called me since then either...HA...easy come easy go.
Feb 16, 2010 3:26 am
Hi Artist.  Gas X is what I use also.  Normally though, if I eat properly and stay away from certain foods that cause gas, then I will be okay.  If I am going out, I am careful of what I eat so that I can avoid the embarrassment.  Best to you, Debi
Feb 16, 2010 10:02 am

Oh well done Jeanie for trying - you get out there girl and keep going! Proud of you!

As for gas, fruit seems to do it for me and makes me a bit noisier - also I have had a problem with some samples of Coloplast bags I was trying, wasn't leaking so I can only assume it was the filters -  the smell followed me all round the supermarket. I wear a light support over my stoma, that may help it not to be quite as noisy as it could be... did you manage to get hold of a nurse to come and visit you? Take care, Rachel xx

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 16, 2010 10:33 pm

Firstly, avoid foods higher in Carbohydrates and foods higher in Fiber. If you are unsure of these food types, it's easy enough to find out which foods are higher in Carbohydrates and higher in Fiber using Google.

Secondly, I find Simethicone capsules do help. Taking quite a few capsules before bed I find the best time to take them, then come next day as long as I eat ok then my stomach is usually much quieter.

One more thing that I am sure helps, chew each mouth full of food really well. This can be a little annoying to do but i'm sure it works if you keep doing this whenever you eat.

Oh and, stick to still drinks (none fizzy drinks).

Hope this helps!
Feb 21, 2010 7:01 pm
I often worry about the gas sounds, especially if I am in a supermarket check out line with pretty girls. How embarrassing would that be? Well, it hasn't happened (yet). I could have gas noises all day while at home, but when I go out it stays quiet (go figure). Could be because I am moving around much more.

One thing for sure, everyone gets gas. All you can do is apologize for the release if someone hears you.

As for pouch filters, I avoid them. They leak, they smell bad, and I haven't had one pouch with filter that did any better than a plain ol' odor-free pouch. i do have a legion of white tee shirts with hard to clean dark stains from filters that leaked. Best just to make sure your skin barrier is secure and sealed to ward off unwanted odors, and remember that you are apt to more cognizant of any minor odors (because your pouch is not far from your nose) than other people.

The skin barrier seal plays an important role in controlling odors.
Past Member
Feb 21, 2010 7:54 pm

i always worry when sitting in the barbers cant just leave.... it`s a little stressful. funny how your mind always always imagines the "worst case" scenarios.
life go`s on....

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