Stoma and Bowel Movements - Experiencing Incomplete Evacuation?

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Apr 15, 2020 2:00 pm

Hi, I have had my stoma for 6 years now. When I first had my stoma op, I had a small amount of bowel movements and still sometimes get the feeling that I need to sit on the toilet but nothing happens. I had this feeling today and two small amounts of something came out. Is this anything anyone else has had?

Apr 15, 2020 2:30 pm

Hi Cinder,

Depending on what's left of your colon (if you have an ileo) and rectum.....they still create a mucosa even when not in use. Some of that can be reabsorbed, but usually it accumulates and you get the urge to go at some point. I know the first couple of times I had that urge I was like WTF? because it feels as if you're actually passing stool. So unless you see something solid (which hopefully you never will), I think what you are describing is perfectly normal.



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Apr 15, 2020 5:00 pm

Hi Cinderella, I had the same experience. I kept feeling like something was up in me. I put on some gloves with a little oil, felt up in there, and felt something hard. I finally had to help it out, and although that has not happened again, I do pass mucus all the time. The rectum still produces mucus like it did before. Hope this helps. Stay safe.

Apr 15, 2020 9:19 pm

So lovely... any chance it was a diamond or pearl?  Hey, ya never know...



Apr 15, 2020 11:21 pm

Same here!


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Apr 16, 2020 3:04 am

Hey Cinderella, I had a mucous discharge today as well. Yes, sometimes it feels like you gotta go and nothing comes out. I typically have a discharge every couple of months, but we are all different.

Apr 16, 2020 10:20 pm

Hi Cinderella

I have an ileostomy and get this feeling every few weeks! My surgeon told me it was a mucus build up and recommended I use a pessary! I find after using it I pass the mucus without any trouble or discomfort! Hope this helps, take care!

Aug 06, 2020 10:28 pm

This happened to me a week ago and it was very, very painful, so I contacted my surgeon and he was very nonchalant about it... I had my ileostomy surgery 6/16/20, so I'm still learning and freaking out about all the abnormal spouts.

How are you doing now?

Aug 10, 2020 12:31 pm

Hi, I have had it a few times since, but I spoke to my stoma nurse and she said it's normal and nothing to worry about. Hope you're well x

Sep 06, 2023 6:29 pm

I get this too. My doctor said it's mucus balls and mucus that comes out. If you have any amount, even small, of your large intestines left, mucus collects in that and has to come out. I know the first time it happened was shortly after I was home from the hospital, and I did kind of freak out at first trying to figure out how something could come out there if I had an ostomy. That was the explanation my doctor gave me.


Aug 07, 2024 11:24 am

I have read the other responses, and I too get mucus buildup that comes out (I have a fistula as well as the ileostomy, so I'm not sure if this is different), but after my last flex sigmoidoscopy to inquire about reversal, not only has the mucus and inflammation increased, but there is actual formed stool coming out of the rectum. Has anyone else had this before? I have an appointment with my gastroenterologist next week and will ask, but I'm pretty freaked out. I should note that the ileostomy is still functioning properly to the best of my knowledge.