Please, please, please, I need help/advice.
Not sure if this started because of a bad batch of bags, but today I've had bag after bag after bag fail on me. My skin is blistered and weeping, and now the bags won't stick. I've gone back to some spare bags I had left when my stoma changed size, and this bag isn't sticking either.
My stoma has white patches all over it and just inside the opening. Also, not sure if it's relevant, but I've felt off the last few days and today as well. As the bag and stoma issues, my back passage is very sore. Like I've had the biggest poop ever, but I've only got the rectal stump left...
Is it a flare causing all these issues, and dodgy bags are a coincidence? I don't know what to do or how I'm gonna manage with the bags not sticking because the more leakage that goes onto the now raw, weeping skin, the worse it's gonna get...
Please help. IBD helpline is closed...
I do have photos, but can't load them onto this site...