Seeking Advice on Removing an Unhooked J Pouch

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Feb 11, 2021 6:06 pm

HI all,

So I am in need of some advice. I have an ileostomoy, 3 years since permanent one, they had built a j pouch in the hopes of not having a bag for life, but 5 suregeries later it didnt work and life was more miserable than the UC I had for 17 years. So i got the permanent one 3 years ago and when he unhooked the j pouch he apparently just left it hanging inside there. Dont ask why, I dont know. but now because of it I have a constant discharge from the backside, so they said the only way to fix it and give me the Barbie Butt is to remove that  j pouch with major surgery. I am scheduled for surgery right now on March 11th and after his decsription of what they need to do to make this happen i am quite nervous about it!! Has anyone out here ever had this surgery to remove an unhooked j pouch and if so, please tell me what it was like and if they injured anything else in the process? ANd what recovery time was like?



Feb 12, 2021 2:40 am

Hi PAS, 

i did not have a J pouch but have had the Barbie Butt surgery along with a lot removed inside at the time. Also had the Ostomy done at the same time. I cannot say that it was that bad. You certainly must take the pain pills on a schedule for a while. It was very slow moving when I went to sit down for a few months but got better all along. I had to have a catheter in for several weeks so the area does not get wet. That and the drainage tubes were the worst for me. One I got those out, I felt 100% better. So you really have to take it easy with all that paraphernalia you have to carry around! I think in 2 months I was pretty good. By that time, the stitches were gone too! The tenderness when sitting lasted for several more months. It did not hurt once I got seated but just getting up and down. 
Hope this helped. 


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Mar 26, 2022 2:31 am

Hi Pas , I have exactly the same thing . The Pouch is still there but disconnected about 12 years ago . I was having the discharge and a lot of pain . Three years ago they opened me up to remove the Rectum and Pouch but there was so much scar tissue they just closed me up and left it , would have been dangerous . Ask about scar tissue from previous surgeries . I had a lot of surgeries so it may be just me . 

    Since they closed me up the rear end drainage and the cramping is gone !!! They did nothing , just looked  in there . They said it was like a lace covering of scar tissue . 

    I hope your surgery works for you . An Ultrasound should show them . Not sure if they did one on me ??  Just thought I would pass that on  

Eamon ☘