Struggling with Ostomy Supplies - Need Advice!

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May 14, 2021 4:47 am

Okay, so this last thirty days I've gone through my supplies rapidly for some strange reason. My output is either so liquidy that it seeps through the wax barrier ring or it's almost solid to where it pushes the wax ring and the phalange part up slightly, causing a leak. I've had a fairly healthy diet since coming home from the hospital and physical rehab, but there's no in between some days and I'm just frustrated. Especially since rn I'm not using my desired ostomy supplies (Hollister). I'm sadly having to use the tester Coloplast single ones that I received from the physical rehab, but they hardly last a day because they don't wish to stick really. Even if I apply adhesive remover, clean the area really well, and prep my skin. Each time one pops off during the night when I sleep and makes a large mess and destroys my sensitive skin because of the barrier extenders I have to use on it or it won't stick at all and slight damage from the Coloplast itself. I only have two left, and I sadly don't get my supplies until this Monday, the 17th. The only place I can get my supplies is an hour and a half away (it's a darling little pharmacy that specializes in this stuff) because nowhere else except in the big city like Omaha has my supplies, but I don't wish to waste most of my day going back and forth between home and Omaha. I'd contact my wound nurse/doc, but sadly they won't be able to get me the supplies I need since it's not common in my town for ostomy stuff, that explains the long travel. Am I stressing too much?

Past Member
May 14, 2021 6:06 am

Hi puglover,

As had been said, Google ostomy supplies to get the numbers for Hollister, Coloplast, and others, and order free samples.

In the meantime, call your wound care nurse/doctor and get what you can now. These may be inferior but can get you by in a pinch.

The biggest thing I recommend when changing your bag is to use adhesive remover (if you have it) and make sure the area is cleaned with water (like a couple of damp paper towels), then pat dry and air dry, then apply your bag. Make sure when cutting your hole it's maybe 1-2 mm larger than your stoma. (Cut the hole previously while you are prepping your skin, keep the bag under your armpit to warm it up before applying). Then finally, apply the bag over your stoma gently, making sure it goes on evenly, then hold pressure over all adhesive area to better guarantee it sticks well.

I only mention all this as being helpful.

Is your tummy (area) around your stoma generally flat? Mine sinks in under the stoma, so I cut the wax barrier ring into and pull it to shape, stick under my stoma before applying the bag. (Just to cover all bases). And I use a convex-shaped bag (around stoma) because of the uneven skin shape under my stoma.

I hope that helps in some way...mtnman.

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May 14, 2021 8:53 am

Hiya pug

Like the others have said, get straight back into the facility where your stoma nurse/doctors/wound care or whatever they are called over there. There is no need for you to suffer. You need help and are entitled to it, don't be backward about going forward. Get in there and get the assistance you need.


May 14, 2021 12:14 pm

Hi Puglover,

As suggested, free samples are available and would get to you probably more quickly than anything else. Regarding the leakage: I have found that I get a much better seal if I do not use the wax ring. It's different for everyone, but you might want to try that once. It is very important that the area is clean and there is no adhesive left behind. I use a Coloplast SenSura Mio. I shower daily without the bag, but I realize that most people don't do this because insurance restrictions won't pay for us to have clean underwear every day, instead we're supposed to go two or three days in the same s*** filled bags. The cost of bags (for me 148. extra every month) is prohibitive for most folks and so we don't change every day. Write your congressman--but that's another issue.

I don't know what you're dealing with, colostomy or ileostomy, and the supplies are a bit different. I have an ileostomy. I use only a barrier wipe and then my Mio, and I have very few issues. I don't need adhesive remover because I don't use a seal. Keeping the area clean before reapplying your barrier wipe and then the bag will give you the best results. I'll private message you my deets, and I can send you a couple of Mios if you would like. There's nothing worse than being totally out of necessary supplies.



May 14, 2021 8:06 pm

If you call some of the vendors like Hollister, Coloplast and tell them the problems you are having, they can help you. Best wishes and stay safe.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

May 14, 2021 9:21 pm

Yes, ask the vendors to overnight them! They will!
I would send you some too, but by the time they got there, it would be next week anyway. Never get short of supplies. I know you are a short timer, so stockpiling a bunch of supplies is crazy, but do create a stash! It will come in handy, and you can pass them on when you no longer need them. Cannot imagine not having all that I need. My output is different day to day as well, but you may want to try a two-piece pouch system and a convex pouch. It sticks out a little better to allow the output to get out and down in the pouch versus sticking and pushing your barrier up for a nice leak.
Using a lubricant in your pouch will help it as well. K Y jelly, baby oil. Don't use anything that would hurt your stoma.

Keep us posted! Good luck!


May 15, 2021 12:14 am

Hi puglover,

Nah, if you didn't stress... you wouldn't be a true ostomate!! We've all been there. It does get VERY frustrating, and depending on your situation can be downright nerve-racking!! And when you get low on supplies, it can be downright panic!! There's just not much around the house that you can use to replace an ostomy barrier and bag... trust me, I've looked.

So... when someone says their output is seeping under the ring... or pushes the ring up (if output is solid), I have to ask what direction does your stoma point? Is it straight ahead or to one side? The other question is how tall is your stoma... meaning is it flush with your skin or raised a bit above it? If it's close to the skin and not sticking out much... you need a convex barrier, which presses the skin around the stoma down... to help stop what you describe. But when you add a barrier ring to any barrier, even convex, it raises the barrier that much from your skin's surface... so if your stoma is pointing sideways, it may not be a good situation. They make a scoop-like device that helps redirect sideways traveling output forward into your bag. So... are you using a convex barrier? With your barrier ring?... or is your stoma long enough that you use a regular flat barrier?

Now adhesion is a different animal. Do you wear an ostomy belt? That's highly recommended!! When you say it pops off when you sleep... can you explain that in a little more detail? You're not trying to sleep on your stoma... right? You sleep on your back or side... right? So why would it not adhere at night, but stick during the day... what's changing?



Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 14, 2022 9:48 pm

Hi Pug... 1st breathe hunny, you're not alone. Us newbies and some of the pros have issues with their appliances or supplies, etc. Stressing is not good overall. It may be nothing you are doing wrong; it may be a manufacturer's error, etc. Perhaps your barrier ring needs to be thicker. It may be too thin and seeping by, or maybe not close enough to the stoma. Sometimes it's the simplest little things that make a great fit...

Perhaps seal all around the wafer/flange with adhesive strips or, like some 3M medical tape or duct tape, especially at night...

Perhaps try a solid 1-piece convex system, not a 2-piece click style. For me, I currently use a 1-piece convex drainable pouch with adhesive wipes and my barrier ring. Since adding a ring, no more seeping, leaking, or burning, and I get 7 days before changing (I do rinse the bag daily with warm water, a little baby oil, and a squeeze bottle)...

You got this... it's a learning curve that changes constantly... Stay strong.


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