Need Help with Severe Bloating & Wind

Aug 03, 2021 7:13 pm

I am looking for any advice, please. I've had an ileostomy since last year. I keep getting severe bloating to the point I look 9 months pregnant, and wind. The doctor is not able to help, and I am lost.

Aug 03, 2021 8:03 pm

Hi Harvey, are you in pain when you have this bloating? Is your output normal? You are referring to your abdomen being bloated, not just your pouch puffed out with gas? If gas always accompanies this bloating, I would guess it's probably diet-related. Do you eat a lot of gas-producing foods, i.e., broccoli, cabbage, beans, etc.? There are products you can take to reduce the gas, just ask at your pharmacy as I wouldn't know the U.K. brands. Do you have access to an ostomy nurse? They are usually much more helpful than the doctors for this type of thing. Might be a good idea to speak to one. I have an ileostomy too and do get a lot of gas because I eat tons of veggies. I use an over-the-counter product called GasX that works pretty well. I don't really get bloated though, which makes me wonder if something else is going on. Good luck and I'd be interested to know how you make out.


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Past Member
Aug 03, 2021 8:31 pm

Harvey, the only thing I might add to Terry's excellent suggestion is if all else fails, try talking to a dietitian - not a nutritionist, a dietitian. You will have to keep a log of everything you eat and drink, and also when you have gas/bloating, which might be helpful anyway; you might see a pattern develop if you do that. I wonder if you might have an allergy that hasn't been diagnosed. When you consult with a professional, best to be armed with detailed information about your diet and reactions. In any event, don't give up just because your doctor doesn't know what the problem is. You could ask to be referred to another professional until you get some answers. Good luck.


Aug 04, 2021 3:45 am


You kind of lost me when you said your "Doctor is not able to help"! What the heck kind of doctor are you seeing? Every gastro on the planet has at least a rudimentary knowledge of nutrition and how food affects the bowels. By definition, a gastroenterologist is "a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the digestive system".........which is what bloating and gas is! I can only assume your 'Doc' is a general practitioner........and not a very good one at that. You need to be talking to a gastro ASAP. And if your 'Doc' is a gastro...then RUN....don't walk.....away from that moron and find another that knows something.

I'm fine with docs not knowing everything, but it really grinds my gears when they just leave a patient hanging and don't offer you suggestions on who to see who specializes in your condition or ailment. There are a lot of things that can cause excessive gas, ranging from minor dietary things to major medical issues, so to say to a patient that they can't help you and then send you on your merry way is ridiculous. The inability to easily pass that gas is another possibly more serious matter. So again, no excuse for your doc's response. Even if he/she fell asleep that day in med school, then at the very least, they should have referred you to a dietician, as Laurie said above.

Get yourself to a good doc my friend, and don't guess at what's causing it.



Aug 04, 2021 7:17 am

Hello Harvey.
Thanks for bring this subject up as it has probably affected most of us at some time or other, and thanks to everyone who has so far replied.
It looks as if you have had some excellent advice and I am at a loss as to what else might be suggested. However, the NHS have compiled a neat little article called ‘Beat the Bloat’
Beat the bloat - NHS (
which might give you (& your doctor!) some useful tips and pointers as to what might be amiss.
Best wishes


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

ron in mich
Aug 04, 2021 1:26 pm

Hi Harvey, like the others said, it might be diet, and one of the culprits I have issues with is dairy. Milk, cheese, and ice cream, my favorite, really bloats me.

Aug 11, 2021 9:30 am

Greetings Harvey72

It is most likely something in your diet. Don't rule out foods that never gave you problems before and don't be surprised if it's some of your favorites.

I eliminated one item at a time until I figured out what was causing me distress.

Sugar, raw onions, and greasy foods are my main culprits and all of them are in my favorite foods list.

Good luck¡


Past Member
Aug 11, 2021 12:32 pm

Sugar, raw onions, and greasy foods - wait - aren't they three of the essential food groups? But you're right - it always seems to be the foods we love that are the culprits! Darn!
