Strange Spherical Object from My Stoma - Advice Needed!

Sep 13, 2021 11:43 am

A literal sphere the size of a very large blueberry just pushed its way out of my stoma.. It's cookie dough color and squishy at first but whatever makes up the center is very firm. I have no clue what I ate to make THAT pop out of my body. It's perfectly spherical, it's like my body wants to make boba now. Has anyone else seen this at all with their stomas?? I'm super confused as well as in intense pain in my abdomen. I have no clue if my body making or pushing that thing out of me is causing that pain.


Sep 13, 2021 1:00 pm

I would take that thing (whatever it may be: something you ate or something more nefarious!) to your surgeon's/PCP office ASAP! It normally wouldn't be a big deal (you should see what comes out of mine sometimes!! HaHa). But, the fact that you are experiencing intense abdominal pain, I think it needs to be addressed right away.

Robin :)

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Sep 13, 2021 1:07 pm
Reply to PghQueen

Probably should, I just looked and more of those things popped out. My bag looks like a boba shake, lol. I'll call my surgeon once everything opens up; it's currently 6 AM, haha.

Sep 13, 2021 1:54 pm

That sounds like good advice - Do let us know the outcome!

Best wishes


Morning glory
Sep 13, 2021 2:25 pm

MX definitely agrees with Robin


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 13, 2021 6:29 pm

Hope everything is okay and that thing which now sounds like it's more "Thing's" popping out isn't anything too serious and they manage to get your pain in control. Let us know how you get on. Nat

Sep 13, 2021 6:29 pm

Hope everything is okay and that thing which now sounds like it's more "Thing's" popping out isn't anything too serious and they manage to get your pain in control. Let us know how you get on. Nat

Sep 13, 2021 8:07 pm
Reply to PghQueen

Could it be a pill? I had one (oblong shape) pop out once....but no pain associated with it....

Sep 14, 2021 1:35 am

It does sound like a pill, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Please let us know how it goes. Hope you get good answers.