Traveling with an Ileostomy - Need advice!

looking forward
Jul 06, 2022 12:44 am

Hi, I need some advice. I have not traveled for a couple of years because of my ostomy surgery. I live in Florida and want to visit my daughter in Washington D.C. How do I do that? Do I call the airlines? What about taking all my "stuff"? Thanks. I know you will all know.

Jul 06, 2022 2:59 am

No need to call the airlines. Pack all of your supplies in your suitcase but keep one set of them in your carry-on in case you need to change your bag for any reason (just don't put too much of any liquid like irrigation liquid or odor eliminator drops that they'll make you get rid of; bring a small amount) in your carry-on. I was afraid their scanner would pick up on something near my waistline and they'd pull me aside to pat me down, but that hasn't been the case. Instead, when the machine picks up something, and it will, they'll make you rub your hands against your bag from the outside of your pants, then they'll run a scanner over your hands (to make sure there's no gunpowder or explosives in there I guess). That's really it. Your bag won't blow up with air on the plane (another one of my original fears). Pretty simple. Have a wonderful visit with your daughter! My son is currently in D.C. and my husband and I have driven down from NY many times in the last four years to visit him.


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Jul 06, 2022 4:28 am

Hi, looking forward,

As Lori said... it's easy-peasy. But what I like to do... because the airlines are so screwed up and with flight cancellations, your luggage can go anywhere and not find you for days... I box up the supplies I need and send them to my destination a few days prior, either with USPS Priority or FedEx, whichever is cheaper. Just make sure you get tracking info. Once my package is safely where I'm going, I can rest easy and just bring one or two changes of ostomy stuff with me in my carry-on bag. Sounds like a lot of work, but really isn't... and for me, it's worth the peace of mind knowing my stuff is already where I'm going. But I'm a bit anal like that!



Jul 06, 2022 12:06 pm
Reply to w30bob

Wow, Bob, I never thought of that. There are so many issues with flights lately: delayed, redirected, just plain cancelled. Ugh, I can't imagine all of my supplies lost. Mailing them ahead of time is a great idea.

Jul 06, 2022 12:12 pm
Reply to eefyjig

Hi eefyjig,

Yeah, it is nuts right now. A friend had his in-laws come visit from Germany two weeks ago and their flight got cancelled while they were waiting to board the plane. They were put on a later flight, but their luggage didn't make that plane and ended up being delivered to them almost a week later.....just as they were getting ready to head back. There's just no constants anymore when dealing with airlines......which is sad.




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ron in mich
Jul 06, 2022 1:27 pm

Hi, looking, I haven't flown in awhile, but what I did was put 3 changes' worth of products in a gallon-size ziplock bag and I labeled it "ostomy stuff" and took that with me in my carry-on bag. As soon as the inspector saw that, he asked if I had an ostomy pouch and to rub my hand on it to be scanned, with the option of doing it in a side room. But I said there was no need, I just rubbed my hand on my pouch and let another agent scan my hand. That was it.