Exploring Irrigation: Costs, Training, and Equipment in the UK

Jul 14, 2022 9:34 am

after reading some of the posts on irrigation i am considering trying irrigation . first i am interested in hearing about any expense bearing in mind i live in the UK with the our NHS ( national health service) also did those people now using irrigation go through some kind of training course. where do you actually get the equipment bags, cone , pump, plugs from? i have watched a you tube video which i believe was for nursing staff . i did speak to the doctor from pakistan carrying out my recent endoscopy and he noted my interest in his report but seemed more concerned about expense .  any info will be appreciated to give me a better idea of what is involved before i consult my stoma nurse .

Jul 14, 2022 11:24 am

Hello Patrick.

I cannot understand why a doctor in the NHS would be concerned about the expense involved with irrigation. It perhaps indicates a degree of ignorance rather than knowledge.

The basic equipment should not be 'expensive', but if you need a pump of some sort rather than gravity feed for the water, then it can cost a bit. However, I just use a garden spray pump which is quite cheap and has worked for me for years. 

All equipment should be available on prescription via the NHS. 

The principle is that we simply put water into the stoma to flush out any waste. The output is usually finished within an hour and then we have no output for times ranging from a day to 2-3 days. The procedure is a simple one and well worth trying. 

I am sure there will be many people on here (including me) who will be willing to assist in any way we can. but your first port of call might be to read the past posts on the subject which are in the 'collections' section.

Best wishes


Not everyone is suitable for irrigation, which is why  a discussion with stoma nurses or doctors is often a requirement prior to trying it. However, if you are suitable there are many benefits and if anyone sounds discouraging, then I would be sceptical about their knowledge on the subject. Quite often a stoma nurse will give instructions and practical support in trying it for the first time but there are several you tube videos that show quite clearly what is involved. 


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Jul 14, 2022 8:05 pm

regarding the doctor    i did reference his being pakistani because i thought he was confusing our health system with his birth country. it was my suitability for the irrigation procedure i was enquiring of him. i reckon from the items i have seen i could afford them if necessary. i will give my stoma nurse a call and go from their. thanks  for the info bill.

Jul 14, 2022 8:07 pm
Reply to Bill

I will look in the collection section. Thanks.

Sep 22, 2023 8:37 pm

Hi Patrick

Did you try irrigation?

How did it go, if you have tried it?




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