I have an inverted stoma on my colostomy for diverticulitis (though previously I had zero symptoms and clean colonoscopies). The stoma is at the very top of the small stoma hole and slightly under the edge of the skin. Output has to ooze its way from underneath the skin and over the top to make its way out. It creates a big pancake always. If the output is thick, it shoves under the wafer and makes a mess. If it is more liquid, it sprays from under the wafer and makes a bigger mess. The doctor and stoma nurse have been unable to find a method of keeping the pouch intact. Often the break happens during active output.
I do not know what to eat that will prevent this from happening. Does anyone have normal stool after a colostomy? Or is it always either thick, chunky peanut butter or thin, runny pudding? I'm losing weight like mad. I used to eat a lot of salad, potatoes, cheese, nuts, fruits. Now, I have no idea what I can eat that will give me a normal life. If any of you have solved a similar problem, please advise.