Stoma Flattening After Hospital Stay

Nov 14, 2022 8:59 pm

I just got out of the hospital two hours ago. Got home and it was time to change my ostomy.

I'm trying not to freak after the last few days but my stoma is flat all of a sudden, even slightly indented.

Is this normal, or related to all the meds they have given me the last 4 days or????

I did leave a message at ostomy

Nov 14, 2022 9:30 pm

Why change it 2 hours afterwards? Mine is terrible looking. Trying to get it to heal for a month now after stoma powder and no sting barrier wipes. Paste. A new smaller wafer. Now after 14 months of never having a leak I'm getting bag leaks. Every other day. The area around my stoma is just horrible. I'm freaking out as well.

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Nov 14, 2022 9:51 pm

My stoma goes from flat to sticking out about 2 inches depending on the minute, especially when laying down. Oh, and sorry for cutting our chat short the other day, I had someone at the door, dog barking, blah blah blah. Here's what my stoma looks like normally....
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Nov 15, 2022 12:12 am
Reply to AlexT

Mine looks similar normally. That's okay about the chat. I needed to eat. Ostomy called back and I told her about the flat, tiny bit of mucus and how it inverted right before gas bubble. She told me that's normal for para something and it's been doing that since I had it. I've never noticed but she's seen it a few times. Since the gas has settled right now it's raised but not to normal height.

Right now they have me on a medication to help manage gallbladder pain, bloating. That's all affecting my whole digestive tract according to ostomy. I'm hoping she's right.

Nov 15, 2022 12:21 am
Reply to Renfromtexas

Today was one of the days I changed it. Before ostomy called, I was looking this up. Is your stoma no longer raised? I read some people have to change to a different barrier for inversion.

I haven't used the powder and I don't use skin prep. Have you tried it on your skin around the stoma?

I truly wish I knew more. Ren, if your insurance will pay, my ostomy clinic is part of the university hospital in San Antonio. I can give you the number to make an appointment with them.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 16, 2022 1:55 am

My stoma was flat after having a parastomal hernia repair, but after using a convex base it has changed to a better size and more manageable. Just persevere and it will come good.

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This is the before and after, persevere. Regards IGGIE

Nov 17, 2022 10:11 am
Reply to IGGIE

Thank you. I think it's almost back to normal. I guess the four days in the hospital, new meds and very little food somewhat jacked it up a little.