How Often Do You Change Your Ileostomy Bag?

Oct 31, 2010 2:17 am

I have an ileostomy. Just wondering how often you guys out there have to change a bag. I can go 5 days with the one I have now.

Oct 31, 2010 7:00 am

I am able to get 5 to 7 days for my wafer as I use a 2-piece system from Hollister. However, I change my bag once a day.
I use Eakin seals each time I change my wafer.

When changing my wafer, I also use a hair dryer on low to help the adhesion. I picked this tip up from this site.

I have once in the past got 12 days. I only did this as a trial.


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  38,453 members
Oct 31, 2010 6:52 pm

Oh my .... I daren't go beyond 3 days! I use a Hollister one piece which gives in around the plastic ring if I leave it any longer.
Rach xx

Oct 31, 2010 10:43 pm
I really don't know how long I could actually go before changing the wafer, since I haven't figured out how to take a shower without the wafer losing its suction; I only go a few days. Any ideas on how to take a daily shower and still use the same wafer? I've tried the saran wrap method, but that doesn't work very well.
Past Member
Nov 01, 2010 12:01 am

I use a two-piece system. Although I irrigate and have little to no stomal activity, I change the bag every day and the wafer every 3 days. I shower every evening unless I have a leak from the wafer, then I take an extra shower for the day! However, our quite hot Aussie summers do demand two showers per day on many occasions. For security, when I change wafers, I dry the area around the stoma with my wife's hair dryer set on low (yes, my special lady of 49 years is very patient with me), then use a wipe-on skin barrier, hair dryer again, then apply the wafer. I don't have any problems with showering or summer perspiration. Being 77 and having screws and rods, etc., in my spine plus bilateral knee replacements, I don't surf anymore, so I cannot offer any thoughts on surfing. I have a permanent colostomy, by the way, from colorectal cancer, so there is no chance of a reversal, everything having been removed.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Nov 01, 2010 12:40 am
I've had my colostomy for almost 18months and started out with Convatec but changed because I was allergic to the moldable.  I use a 2 piece Hollister system that lasts me about 5-7 days.  Usually 7 days.  I change the bag and the flange at the same time.  The bag is a drainable bag and I use water to flush the bag each time I empty it.  This gives me a feeling of security so it works for me.  I can't say I've noticed any particular reason for having to change it earlier.  It's usually because I didn't get it seated on comfortably and it was felt irritated but there was no problem with my skin.  Best to err of the side of caution and change it before it needs to be.
Nov 01, 2010 1:15 am


I feel your pain! You've heard here before about the concept of 'picture framing' the wafer with clear or waterproof tape. I and many others do that to get the wafer to stand up better during showers, regular wear, etc. I have to reapply the picture framing tape twice per day to keep the wafer outside tape in stable condition. I get 3-4 days from a wafer but wouldn't ever get that long without picture framing. And sometimes I only get 1-2 days, but that is rare. Used closed-end bag and change 1-3 times each day.


This technique of yours withstands the summer perspiration well, aye? That is one of my concerns, weak points. I will reread your post and if I have questions, I'll email you. I'd like to progress with that concern. Thanks.


Nov 01, 2010 1:43 am

I have a one-piece and empty it when needed. Thanks for your replies.

Nov 02, 2010 5:34 pm

I've had my ileostomy for six years and have used Hollister one piece. I change every 3 to 4 days; any longer and it deteriorates around the stoma. I tried the Schena EZ Clean, which works great, but their pouch would not stick with all that water washing through, so I went back to Hollister. I try to spend as little time as possible caring for this and get on with my life.

Nov 02, 2010 6:41 pm

Same here Suz2
Nov 02, 2010 6:55 pm

Grammybec - I really do not understand why your bag loses suction during a shower every time. I have had really hot baths and not lost it. In fact, I often find the warmth helps its adhesion. What make and type do you use? Maybe someone here can give you some tips to help you keep it on; that must be so frustrating for you!
Rach xx

Nov 02, 2010 7:19 pm

I've found using a spray bottle of "skin prep" made by Smith & Nephew works the best for adhesion. Spray it on and your skin becomes stickier, if that makes sense.
Cheers, Bob

Past Member
Nov 02, 2010 7:43 pm
I've never gone more than 24 hours without a bag change, sometimes it looks as if it might have lasted one more day, but I never know that until it's removed. Usually, it's starting to disintegrate, I must be full of acid! Taking a shower requires a bag change as it looks in a sorry state soaking wet and a shower and bag change takes me a whole hour. Very important to make sure the skin is dried properly otherwise the adhesive won't stick, and likewise if it's too cold in the toilet it takes longer and I have to leave my hand over the area until I'm sure it's safe to continue normal everyday life -no point in rushing these things and regretting later. I am 85% certain I'll be ok for the day and night,these days, but I'd like to be 100%,doubt that day will ever come though!
Nov 02, 2010 7:53 pm

I am hooked on the Convatec wafer and bag with some stoma paste around the wafer/stoma hole. I might just try some of that spray adhesive. {See another good idea just chatting} I only take showers. I used to sit in the tub for a long time, but now with the bag, it is easier for me to take it off, shower, and then replace it. It lasts a shower or two, or 6 days if I am lucky. I don't have an office job, so I can skip a day or so without a shower if I want to. Longer if I am going to the relatives, so they don't mind if I leave early.

Nov 03, 2010 2:06 am

I feel the same about the shower thing! One shower and I am lucky to get another day out of the tape. I use the Convex 2 piece system with the skin powder and seal wipes before putting on the base. Oh, and I also use the Eiken seal to keep everything dry as I go along. Yet, the shower ruins it every time! Ugh! The question I have is, I am 5 months out of surgery and have just put back on some weight. Could that change the use of the extra seal I needed back then because I weighed 15 lbs less?

Past Member
Nov 03, 2010 10:18 am

Posting this link

These things are great...
ok girl
Nov 03, 2010 3:08 pm

Wow, I must be very lucky. I have a colostomy and use the Hollister 2-piece system (just got the new bags with the three-fold-up and new closure system, and I love it). I replace my flange every 4 days, sometimes longer if I forget when I put it on, and change my bag every other day because of the smell. I also clean my bag out with water. I take my bag off when I shower and then put it right back on after I open the curtain; I've never had any problems with the flange coming off. Deanna in OK

Nov 04, 2010 2:06 am

I have to agree with MMSH with regards to the Hydroframes. They certainly are a very good aid in reducing loss of adhesion and reducing leaks.

In the end, I was advised by my stoma nurse about these Pelican 1 piece drainable pouches (839336) that I used in conjunction with Eakin Slim Seals. From that point, I had hardly any problems with regards to both water and leakage problems and did not need the frames anymore. I could easily wear the same pouch for 4-5 days and shower daily. Sometimes I would just change the pouch because I thought I should, not out of necessity, and the feeling of security was amazing.


Nov 08, 2010 3:33 pm

I usually go four days and shower daily with one-piece Micro-skin pre-cut pouches. I surround the inside of the flange with Stomahesive paste by Convatec, just the part that would be near the stoma. The pouches are odorless (except when you empty, but there are products for that too), flat against your skin, not bulgy (but leave a little air for use), and wonderful!

Nov 08, 2010 4:00 pm

Mind you, I have a UD, so my durations are different. I use Coloplast Assura one-piece pouches and Hollister Medical Adhesive as a skin prep. Unless the wafer has degraded around my stoma site and is allowing urine to rest against my skin, I can get 11 to 12 days per pouch with daily showers! I treat my pouches daily with home remedy solutions to kill bacterial growth and Na'Scent.

The things I have discovered that directly affect adhesion are the type of skincare products I use, sweat, and belts.

I have dry skin, so I did like to use body washes (soap) that contain moisturizers. When I do use these products, I find that when your body temperature rises, the residual emollients left on your skin tend to wick from the surrounding areas to underneath the wafer, causing it to lose adhesion. This is also true of body lotions applied after a nice shower. Any Dove product is off my list. I use straight soap in the shower and apply lotion afterward, avoiding the area about 6 inches from the edge of my wafer.

Another strong factor affecting wafer adhesion is sweat. During any heightened physical activity, the skin beneath the wafer sweats slightly more than the surrounding skin and causes the wafer to lose adhesion.

Ostomy belts and tight clothing, for me, are a major problem when it comes to wafer adhesion! Back in the day when I wore Ostomy belts, I was having to make pouch changes almost daily! I did not think I could go without a belt... but I was wrong! Wish I could explain, but this one requires a visual demo to understand!

Nov 08, 2010 4:20 pm

I was told that I should be able to go a week with a bag. Well, that sort of went down the toilet quickly. As soon as my 2-week in-home care was over, I would bust a bag, which made a mess in the bed and me too. Sometimes, I can only go for about 4-5 days.