Ok, well let's see... I was asked to write a blog, so I will give it a try. I will also try to answer some questions in the mix:
I have Crohn's. I have had five surgeries due to Crohn's since the age of ten, but my last surgery was over twenty years ago. I have had my ostomy since the age of 10, and it is true I have never had social contact with other ostomates until I joined this site. I've always been keeping that aspect of my life to myself and was for so many years (33 years) totally unaware of many of the groups out here. Also, I still have not been in a group, face to face, with other ostomates. Recently, I had an opportunity to meet up with ostomates in a support group setting locally… then became too shy to attend. Yeah, I know... I don't know what's wrong with me either, lol.
Aside from the occasional feisty side of me, I am usually quite shy and withdrawn publicly. I've been sort of “hiding in the shadows” as of late. It's not easy to get close to me these days, but never take it personally. Those who do know me on a personal level find out fast what a clownish goofball I am.
I am divorced, am an only child, and have no children. I am quite used to being alone but no longer wish to be. I was married for ten years… then divorced… and in time began another relationship which lasted seven years… that ended as well… but it is good he is gone… 'twas long overdue, too many seriously bad issues with him and I was getting hurt. Enough said about that, I sweep it into my past and keep it there as much as possible.
So, I live alone in a place I refer to as “Sleepy Hollow.” It's approximately twenty acres surrounding my old farmhouse… a fixer-upper that keeps me more than busy. I grew up here, it's home and I enjoy the simple life.
The things in life that are most important to me… money cannot buy.
I am Pagan. I love the outdoors and spend as much time as possible in the woods and on or in the water. I am surrounded by beautiful forest land, many lakes, rivers, and streams, and I find the fresh water to be quite ‘freeing' as some of you will remember my writing that was posted the first time I joined this site earlier this year (before I disappeared for a bit). I have also provided Private, Non-Profit Animal Rescue for over twenty years. I love Fairs, a wide variety of music, concerts in the park, Theater, Ballet, all things Dark ‘n spooky and Gothic, movies, and relaxing campfires/bonfires… gardening, cooking, skiing, kayaking, motorcycles (I could LIVE on the back of a motorcycle!!!)… snowshoeing, swimming in secluded natural waters beneath the moonlight… and some nights just sitting with a big bowl of popcorn watching old episodes of The Munsters, lol.
I spent my entire life working hard only to watch things crumble around me each time Crohn's decided to rage War with me… but I won each battle so far, I'm still here. I lost a great deal… but I also have a lot more to be thankful for. If the big Crohn's Demon drags me into my grave one day, I will not go easy, I am far too temperamental and love life too much… I will be kicking and screaming all the way. I already fought off five near-fatal battles with it and I did not come out of it without battle scars, but I'm still standing my ground. To fight a Demon, you need to become one.
Let's see… I know I am forgetting to answer some things about myself in here, but one thing that has been coming up again lately is the topic of my seeking a housemate. I have, indeed, been looking for a housemate/roommate/renter… In the past, I've pondered every option from taking in a friend, or a hurricane victim, a displaced War Vet, Temp College Student, an Ostomate looking for a new beginning and who might wish to share a home with someone who understands… etc., etc… but as it stands right now, some private time is needed… ask me again in late Spring or early Summer and I will have a better idea if the Housemate option is still open :)… but currently, the position is reserved.
Take care everyone! Be Happy and Healthy!
Much love from your WD