Feb 24, 2012 3:50 am
WEll I just got in from watching my son's very last BasketBall Home Game, .... they won and will now head into the 1/4 finals Wish us luck please.. Justin is Graduating in June from grade 12 where has the time gone.

I was sitting in the stands and lots of gurgle gurgle sounds coming from my appliance, this lady beside me says wow you should get something to eat ha ha ha I just smiled and said that I should...

Have a great evening my friends..

Take care


Feb 24, 2012 11:57 am
lol yeah ...had that happen too ...take care moozaaaa
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Feb 24, 2012 2:31 pm
When my ileostomy starts talking I use the same excuse. I better go get something to eat. It doesn't happen often, but invariably it's on a crowded elevator.
Feb 24, 2012 4:40 pm
If your ileo starts making embarassing noises while you're in a crowded space, take your cell phone or Ipod out of your pants pocket, look at it, and say Time to recharge! If that doesn't work, look at the next fellow over and suggest in a kind voice that he get something to eat. The Artful Dodger would be proud of you. PB
Feb 24, 2012 11:40 pm

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 24, 2012 11:48 pm
I throw my stomach under the bus too - and tell people that I'm just hungry or I just ate LMSO - there are some funny and helpful tips guys - I think I'll use them just for a changeup
Feb 25, 2012 9:36 am
tess wats lmso ??? larf My Sausage off !!! hahah i have noo idea xxxxxx hey tessy x:)
Feb 25, 2012 9:36 am
Feb 25, 2012 12:55 pm
Hey Addie !!! LMSO = Laughing my stoma off , I can't use LMAO because I don't have an ass anymore lost it along with the girls when I lost all the weight . And I thought we should have a catch phase that's personal to us Ostie's... Laughing my Sausage off would be a good saying for guys LOLxoxo right back at ya
Past Member
Feb 25, 2012 9:32 pm
Telling people that i need to eat is my favourite quote when Alfie starts to make his gurggling noises,works a treat lol ..none the wiser folks .. tc all
Feb 25, 2012 9:42 pm
I wish mine made gurgle noises. Mine makes farting sounds. Probably because I have a colostomy,not the ileostomy.Oh well, no matter what tunes come out of our stoma,we could get a laugh about it.Gotta have a sense of humor!
Feb 26, 2012 3:51 pm
yep colostomy u fart like the rwest of the worl LOL I copped one in the back of the head at my assoc hahahah sitting down having a cuppa tea and poor bloke fartttts rite at the back of me he kept walking like oh did i do that OH HELL BARRY YOU DID i waslmso soo much just like wen a kid farts and they all crack up loling xxxxxxxxxxxxx cheers oh my nans quote BETTER OUT THAN IN WAS MORE BUTTT THAT WILL DO INTIL LATER SEEYA HAHAAHAH
Past Member
Mar 01, 2012 12:47 am
I am currently experienceing the same issue. I was in the lawyers office and Helga the Horrible started talking. And when she talks she uses many sounds. I get high pitched squeaks to low bass sounding grrrs! So embarrassing I almost cried. But my hubby laughed and said let her talk and the lawyer was beside himself laughing. I felt less self conscious about it and actually laughed myself. Hope you can find some relief or at least laughter in the situation.
Mar 02, 2012 6:36 pm
Thats so funny.... Im so glad that Im not alone but with all the wonderful feedback now Im thinking ummm the next time Im sitting by someone with the same gurgle sounds do they have a iliostomy or colostomy....???? ha ha ha
Past Member
Mar 02, 2012 9:53 pm
it is really nice to find out you are not alone in this area. and laughing about it makes it better for me. yes it is quite embarassing but, it makes for a good story to make friends and family more comfortable with the situation. At least it does for my family. and i am starting to get a fairly decent sense of humor about it. my hubby was just so shocked when we found out about my surgery but after a couple of months, he became comfortable enough to make the following joke: he told me that once i get my stoma and bag we were going to become bank robbers and instead of guns I would just hold my bag and threaten to open it. he dubbed us the ostomy bandits. i told him that wasnt funny. so i told a joke of my own, we found out that I have polyps in my stomach and may have to have another surgery, so I told him: If i have to have surgery again, maybe i could get all plastic plumbing and just take some Rid X (you know the stuff for septic tanks) and Draino as needed to keep me running smoothly. He said that wasnt funny at all. i thought it was tho. HOpe everyone has a great day, cuz I totally am.
Mar 04, 2012 1:45 pm
love the bank robber joke - people who know about Stefan the stoma - have heard me threaten to bring down a - S h i t strom on them or get them into deep s h i t - there is all kinds of humor some dark. I had the nurses in stitches in the hospital - laughter is the best medicine - and when Stefan really get's going along with my stomach it's like a band concert - alto and bass
Past Member
Mar 04, 2012 7:34 pm
Oh how funny! I never would have thought of a shit storm! I have a really off kelter sense of humor. But, it keeps me from caving in to the deep darkness of depression. As for talking, Helga is mostly talkative at night and she gets so loud that she wakes my husband up. I tried smothering her with a pillow two nights in a row, and threatened to wrap a rubber band around her, but she got louder, like she was taunting me. It was a VERY long night. thankfully today she is quiet and i can take a nap. Hope you are having an amazing day. mandy
Mar 13, 2012 11:34 am
yeah Stefan can be very loud at night as well and of course the stomach has to help - Stefan and I have had many an argument and have broken up so many times only I can't pack his stuff and throw him out the door LMSO (laughing my stoma off) - hope you have a great day as well
Past Member
Mar 13, 2012 4:47 pm
hey tess45, thanks for commenting. LMSO...that is so funny, you are very creative..i am just now learning some of the texting lingo, took me till just a couple of months ago to figure out what LMAO meant, even then i had to ask a friend. i got my answer but was laughed at. its all good tho. my day is trully awesome today. the sun is shining not a cloud in the sky and it is a wonderful 78 degrees. i feel amazing today since i have not had to have my chemo treatmenst for a couople of weeks, i have been feeling awesome. next week however, is my chemo treatment and i will be down for a few days..but not for long. I get me awesome party wigs next week as well, so excited. i have my pretty wig for my more serious or appointment with lawyer days and my party wigs (blue,green, purple and lavender) are for my feeling funky great days. Hoping everyone is having an awesomely fantastical day today.
Apr 08, 2012 7:26 pm
That is funny, that has happened to me in the drs office, everyone just looks. lol..
ron in mich
Apr 09, 2012 3:18 pm
hi all i just went for a dexa scan for my osteoporosis and when i laid down to be scanned my stoma started to toot so i looked at the technician who was a blonde haired blue eyed beauty, and i said i have an ostomy but she just kinda giggled and started the scan. ron
Apr 20, 2012 11:45 am
hey Reefus post pic's of the new wigs - I would love to see the lavender one - purple is my fav colour..
Past Member
Apr 20, 2012 11:35 pm
hey tess45..i will be posting pictures really soon. my camera has messed up and my phone camera takes really crappy pix. my favorite color is purple too. I have been wearing my bright purple wig to town and shopping...people get a kick out of it. it makes them smile so that makes me happy. hope you have an awesome weekend!
Apr 21, 2012 9:53 am
woohoo actually green is my fave or red i cant choose reefus ..Your A BLODDY CHAMPION SHELIA YEP . ME BOWS ME HEAD TO YOUR COURAGE i know u mite not thuink so like many but geesus u been to hell and i think you would be some body i would want around :) cheers hope those wigs dont itch :)))))))) moozeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Past Member
Apr 21, 2012 5:48 pm
Hi Reefus just want to say your a very courages lady, loved to see your colourful wigs tc hun ambies
Past Member
Apr 21, 2012 11:28 pm
Thank you ambies. I owe my courage and strength to everyone that I surround myself with, either in person or online. I only hang with or chat or blog with sincere, honest and uplifting people. I cleared the drama out of my life about 3 years ago and got on a good path in life. We dont have anybody coming over to hang out or anything, but all the drama and fighting and backstabbing are gone. My life is grand because of the awesome and amazing people that support and understand me. So, I would like to personally say thank you to you ambies, you are awesome in my book. And to Mooza, you are super amazing , your encouraging words and blogs and entertaining facebook entries crack me up and keep me laughing all day. the wigs are actually working out for me, all except the blue one. That was so disappointing. All the hair is falling out. BUT, I do have the other ones that I am rocking pretty gosh darn good. You dont know how much i appreciate reading everything you post anywhere. I would love to hang out with you, you are an inspiration to me with all you travels and just being you. Rock on chicky and I will gladly be your cheer leader and sidekick. I most definately hope you are feeling better with your hernias and chrones.
Past Member
Apr 22, 2012 1:04 pm
Awww Reefus its my pleasure i have followed your progress in your blogs ,and i think your amazing lady. There are times when i have found comfort in this site and from some lovely people. iIts good to talk and vent of anything thats troubleing us from time to time, i myself didnt know what i did befor i found this site and have made lots of friends including you..I send my happy thoughts and prayers out to you and everyone , hoping that we all keep our heads above water from the trials we go though.. Hope your having a peaceful ambies..
Past Member
Apr 23, 2012 2:21 pm
ambies...i compltetly agree with you about this site. It is absolutely so full of support and wonderful people that are going through the same things i am. it is so wonderful to know that people have gone on and have very fun and exciting, or at least comfortable lives. i went in to this arming myself and my family with knowledge. i think that is what helped me the most. i was scared and mad and confused and had no control. i do NOT like not having control. espessially of my own life and health. i am trudging along tho and keeping my head held high. although the last few days have not been good for me. I hope you have an amazing day full of greatness ambies.
Aug 10, 2017 10:27 pm
I am embarrassed when it starts making noises. I feel Like I could go hide. Is there any meds or something
else we can do to stop that noise it makes