First time's the charm...

Captain Tact
Apr 28, 2013 2:33 am
So this is my first blog post (on here, anyhow)...I'm not quite sure where to start.

I've got an illieostomy and have had it for just over 4 years. I have a condition called neurofirbromitosis which caused nerve issues which led to other issues and eventually a toxic megacolon with perforations. But I'm better now- the picture of health, sort of.

I've been spending the last few years eating as much as possible (not that it does a lot of good...can't seem to gain weight for love or money).

Was in a relationship recently, but it ended badly (partially my own fault. In retrospect, I was pretty terrible at relationship "stuff").

This is probably not quite right for a blog. I'll write a better one tomorrow.

Apr 28, 2013 5:15 am
Hello Captain Tact. Thanks for you blog --- it's a good start. Best wishes Bill
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May 03, 2013 4:59 am
Hi Capt, hope you come back an fill us in on more of your life. Good Luck Hometown NJ