Some people call it OCD
but I can’t see how that can be,
observing and then cleaning grot
I think ‘disorder’ it is not.
I feel the terminology
to suit my wife, is OCC,
as this alternative meaning’s:-
Obsessive-Compulsive Cleaning.
To call it a ‘disorder’s wrong,
for grime and slime and pooh will pong,
and maybe there’ll be more to pay
if it’s not quickly cleaned away.
My wife may clean obsessively,
but we see this, progressively
maintaining cleanliness so we
are relatively illness free
I’m like this with my stoma’s shit
as I want to be rid of it,
so, there’s no way I’d leave it there
for that might show I did not care.
Imagine what the mess might be
if output from my ostomy
was not immediately clean
via a regular routine
I’ve seen this with some incidents
and some unwelcome accidents,
so, prevention, to be sure
is often better than a cure.
Our cleaning might seem obsessive
and it may well be compulsive,
but, surely this is rational
as well as being functional?
B.Withers 2023