Managing Stoma Gas - Seeking Advice for Work and Social Situations

May 27, 2024 3:31 pm

I work, and always get embarrassed when my stoma farts. To the point I won't eat all day until I get home. I also am embarrassed to go out much. Any suggestions?

May 27, 2024 4:00 pm

I'm 8 weeks into my colostomy, and what I've noticed is that it's the minority of events that are audible to others in the presence of conversation or any other ambient noise.

I just went to my first job interview since my stoma, 2 hours in a room that was completely silent when no one was speaking... But the silent moments were fairly uncommon and no noises were timed to perfectly match those few silent moments.

While my stoma is occasionally rather loud, that's the distinct minority of events. And so far, such events have yet to occur in either professionally or socially awkward situations.

All that said, as I start my new job, I'll probably just let people know about my situation. I'm one who leans towards humor when I can, so if I tell someone about it I'll let them know if they hear a gas release not to worry, because I'm farting into a bag, the air will stay pristine. 😉

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May 27, 2024 5:52 pm

You're probably more likely to have audible farts from not eating rather than having food in your system to take up space and ease the noise levels.

May 27, 2024 6:31 pm

I work as a nurse practitioner, so I am in very close proximity to people all day long. At first, I was embarrassed, but now I just say, “Excuse me, very noisy stoma today.” Kids usually ask what a stoma is and sometimes want to see it. Adults don't seem to worry about it at all. At least you're not fumigating the room with a bagless fart!

May 27, 2024 7:40 pm

Hi Yitzyengelberg, we may make noise, but we don't stink like "normal" intestined people, so that's a plus. None of us wants to toot loudly in front of others, but if you think about it, not all peristalsis involving our stomas involves noise. Often the stoma does its thing expelling waste with no sound at all, so eating doesn't necessarily lead to noise. When I sense noise, I gently press my hand against my stoma, and it muffles it, kind of like squeezing our buttcheeks together keeps the gas in. Maybe try eating at work foods that don't cause a lot of gas, and see if that is any different from not eating.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

May 27, 2024 8:31 pm

I would not go without eating. I did similar along with forgetting to drink OJ. I ended up with a very low vitamin C deficiency. It threw me under. It's been 4 months or so and I'm still weak and not working.

Just cough when it does it or, like someone else said, just say it's my stoma. You don't want to get a vitamin deficiency from not eating. My doc said it could take months for me to recover.

May 27, 2024 11:05 pm

I have learned to just say "excuse me" and move on with what I am doing. One thing I have found to be true is you are more likely to have gas if you don't eat, but there are things that you can eat that cause gas or things like drinking from a straw can cause gas or drinking fizzy drinks. It is really not advisable that you go all day without eating.


May 28, 2024 2:28 am
Reply to Kas

Kas, how do you explain to kids what a stoma is? I won't go into all the creative ways I tried to prep my kids for what Mom coming home with a stoma would look like… I tried lol.

May 28, 2024 2:46 am

I just pat my stoma and say "Quiet, you" or "shoosh." I've had it blast a few times in church and restaurants. Most folks stare at my... lump. Maybe thinking I'm a new-age ventriloquist. Watch out, Charlie McCarthy.

May 28, 2024 8:46 am

I don't say anything. It's not like I meant to do it. 🤷‍♂️

May 28, 2024 12:21 pm
Reply to CrappyColon

I just tell them that my “guts” didn't work right and so they had to move them around and now there's a little part on my belly where my poop comes out into a bag. Strangely enough, most kids are fascinated by this. If the kid wants to see it and it's okay with the parents, when they see the red stoma they want to know if it hurts.

Morning glory
May 28, 2024 1:35 pm

I don't usually say anything, but go about my business. I find I am more gassy if I don't eat anything. You should at least take a few bites of something.

Jun 02, 2024 1:22 am

GasX can really help. It seems to break up the bubbles, allowing them to pass more easily into the stoma. You can mention your stoma, but you can also ascribe it to stomach growls or noisy intestines and even say it might sound funny, but it's not a fart. Luckily, there's no smell.

Jun 02, 2024 1:08 pm

I have found that a diet of protein causes less belly gas. Scrambled eggs and cheese work for me but no bread. I also stay away from fizzy drinks, including energy drinks. And if you must drink juice, keep it to a 2 oz portion. Just enough to wash down the eggs. Tomato juice has fewer carbs and sugars. Also, keep the artificial “sugar-free zero calories” to a minimum as they cause belly gas. I have had my ileostomy for 15 years.

Jun 02, 2024 3:06 pm

5 years post-op ileostomy. Not eating creates more gas. Eat small meals all day. I found thick foods reduce output and gas. Rice, potatoes, pretzels, etc. Matzah meal and kugel, too. Junk food makes it worse. They make "mufflers," but bulky and don't eliminate the sound. My stealth belt reduces sound. Boker tov.

Jun 09, 2024 2:59 pm

There are days when my little Stinky Stewie just blasts up a storm. Some are very loud; I sometimes look at the person next to me, implying it was them, lol. Mainly, I just apologize and carry on. I have learned that drinking soda is the worst for me, not only causing excess gas but the smell is like that of a dog, not pleasant; it even makes me leave the room. :)

Jun 09, 2024 9:41 pm

Only time gas gets me is in the shower. It happened this morning. I shower naked, no wafer on. Amazing how fragrant it can be. 😀