1 Week Post-Op - Pain, Tears, and Recovery Tips Needed

Aug 04, 2024 6:50 pm

Hi everyone! I'm sitting on the toilet here, crying and in misery. I've had my ileostomy for 3.5 years, and tomorrow will be 1 week post-reversal surgery. I am having pain so bad, and my cheeks are getting destroyed using toilet paper, so I've started using Dude Wipes. Also, I am using A & D ointment to help protect my skin. I'm having pain with digesting food just as I had at the hospital, but it isn't worse, which is good. I've talked to my surgeon, and I am not in danger at this time, so no emergency room visit is needed, just some more lucky sh*t I have to deal with.

I've been hearing 3.5 years is a long time for a reversal. So my questions are:

Has anyone had an ileostomy for that long and experienced such pain on the cheeks from pooping that you can't stop crying? It's not causing a fever or anything other than pain. I feel like that area is so sensitive from the lack of use, and I just need to get through it.

What helped you and your butt get through the first weeks of recovery?

Thanks, all! I know it will get better, just takes time, and I am being patient.

Aug 04, 2024 7:15 pm

Get the flushable Walmart wipes, way cheaper than Dude Wipes.

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Aug 04, 2024 7:18 pm
Reply to AlexT

Had no idea Walmart even had those! We happened to have Dude Wipes on hand, so I will definitely get them in the future!

Thanks so much!

Aug 04, 2024 7:30 pm
Reply to Skeezal

You're welcome. Just make sure you use flushable wipes if you're putting them (any brand) in the toilet. The Walmart ones are plant-based.

Aug 05, 2024 12:40 am

Please get a bidet; you can get a cheap one that has a hose. Please, it helps. I am a little over a month out, and that thing is a blessing.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Aug 05, 2024 1:55 am
Reply to JVM261

Oh, that is a great idea! Thank you so much! How are you feeling? Are you eating and digesting without issue? If you would like to DM, please do!

Aug 05, 2024 2:31 am
Reply to Skeezal

Hi Skeezal - I had an ileostomy 6 years ago, then a reversal 6 months later. I have no colon, so I poop a lot and sometimes I get a burning rash from so much wiping. I've found that Cortizone cream works best for relief. Hope this helps.

Aug 05, 2024 4:58 am
Reply to Bagface

I swear on my life this is the best cream ever invented! Wipes and diaper cream are great, but this cream has a cooling feeling and it makes wiping 100 times less painful!


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Aug 05, 2024 9:30 pm
Reply to Bootain

Thanks so much! By any chance, are you wearing roller derby gear in your pic? Never mind. I clicked on it and I see now! Lol, oops!

Aug 06, 2024 6:54 pm
Reply to Skeezal

I am doing well. I have to use the barrier cream every time I go to the bathroom, and I use very soft toilet paper from Aldi. Without those two things, I don't know what I would do. The attachment bidet would be a mess, but I am doing well. I keep a low fiber diet. I will add some more stuff soon. A lot hasn't been easy in my personal life. I haven't been posting a lot here because of that, but I plan to update my original post. In the first two weeks, I wanted to die from the bile burn; it was awful. But I went through it. The anti-diarrhea pills are a must.

Aug 09, 2024 4:02 am
Reply to JVM261

I hope your rough time gets easier for you. ♡ No one should have to deal with this stuff at all. I too have been having a rough time lately and I wish I posted more, but I have been miserable and just don't get to. I had Lyme disease in June and it was excruciating pain for several weeks. Now I'm dealing with this pain from the bum burn. 😫

I got the bidet and holy moly, what a difference though!! Why don't doctors suggest that!! I never knew they existed and I've dealt with perianal Crohn's disease and anal fistulas forever and not one doctor has suggested a bidet. I feel like they are much better than toilet paper. Soft toilet paper always leaves a residue behind which irritates the area, so I've been forced to stick with the sandpaper equivalent of toilet paper.