Give Credit Where Credits Due !

Jun 22, 2011 6:53 pm
I would like to take the time to thank the "Medical Team" that saved my life

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  When I left the hospital in 2008 after a four month stay. 108 lbs and about that in clinical records to boot! Everything that could have went wrong, well it went wrong and on so many levels. With  16 hours of being in emergency they decided to Operate and after I respond well, for a short time til they realized I had went into septic shock. That doctor resigned within a day after 25 years as a surgeon in this hospital I was his last surgery! So Because he resigned I now have no doctor assigned to me, just our health system.But because I am in critical care I have that one to one ratio, and a big medical team and well taken care of. They where truly the angles in my life. So they induce me into a coma for about 27 days and in that time my weight went to about 280lbs  at one time there were 26 different I.V. lines going into me . When coming out of the coma I had realized that my hospital room was nothing more then a social meeting place for my family,friends and med. team, well that was my thinking!  I reflect back and see that I was there entrainment,comedy at its best so they say     

       So now nearly eight weeks later I am being transfered to a ward . and just in time for some neglect. See now I have no doctor in charge of me , but still all the specialist doing there daily drop ins! No one make sure there drugs are working well with the other doctors drugs and so.So my parents decide to call a doctor friend of theirs, and he came in and I was in bad shape after about two weeks on this ward . He has diagnosed me as being dehydrated. This is when they finally assign a doctor to me with I asked for . All this and I have not started eating as there is something still wrong .You no how us illieostomy cant dehydrate So after getting me all straighten out they tell me they have to take out more small bowel,but want to wait for three months from last operation still no food.And who walks in the room. The doctor that did The emergency surgery, and truly lost for words,said the hospital phoned his office saying that I had wanted to see him. I had told him everything was fine and thank you. I am not sure if he nows that he to is one of those Angles

       So after three or four more near death experience after all that while still in hospital. Scares in places you wouldn't thing of, even my face .underneath my nose from the tube they shove up your nose to go to the stomach. from me moving around so much i guess. not to bad if I keep clean shaven.

    I can not forget my family and friends, they were on that Angle list as well. Right up there too! the love I received at that time, is so spacial, in so many ways.As my family has been growing I am truly glad to be alive to share these precious moments. Had some dreams come true, you know guys threesome in the shower deal, just wish I could have taken advantage of the situation, them two nurses. I think that they were laughing with me not at me I hope!

    I know that I do view this differently then some. As i did not and was not educated enough in the beginning as to all options . My way of life as i new it, can no longer work, them long days are nothing more then a memory. I have to re think almost everything I do,just to make things easier .Seem to have the time to take advantage of and no energy to execute.I am still ahead of the game though.This disease of crohns has lead me to meeting some wonderful people and that I am thankful for.So from the bottom of my heart I do thank and appreciate each and everyone in my life.From all the doctors, nurses, family and friends all the people on this site truly  thanks for being part of my perfect life.I do need each and everyone of you!

no gutz no glory no way!
Jun 22, 2011 10:54 pm
Noguts I just gotta thank you for sharing your story with us, and though I never had any chrones or any kind of bowel problems I can relate to your story and that's kinda weird when you think about it, I think we could safely say we been through the mill and Murphy's law came a calling. "what can go wrong will" but I think O'Reily's law is more suited in these situations. O'Reily says "Murphy was an Optimist"

Reading you story put a lump in my throat but I came away with the impression that you're going to be OK, as long as you hang onto that sense of humor it can and does do more than most of the medical solutions that have been heaped on us.

Once again, thanks buddy.

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