Tips to Prevent Pancaking & Bella Band's Impact?

Aug 30, 2011 9:33 am

Can anyone give me tips to avoid pancaking? I have tried using a spray of baby oil inside the bag but it still pancakes.

On another subject, will using a Bella Band create pancaking?

Aug 31, 2011 7:36 am
Hello Snrterry,

I note that nobody else has yet replied to your post!   So here goes from me.

This subject comes up regularly so there are past posts still on the go relating to the subject of pancaking.

You might want to have a look on them if you don't get too many replies here.

I will repeat what I have said on other posts so that you will have it first-hand.

I suffered with pancaking when I had a 'free-flow' of output just after surgery for 6 weeks.  I tried most things that had been recommended and found that even with oils it still pancaked - but at least with oil it was easier to manipulate to the bottom of the bag.

I felt that the main problem was trying to wear normal clothing that fitted reasonably tightly around the waist ( & stoma) I took to wearing full-length workman's overalls which hang from the shoulders and don't press on the stoma. This helped but didn't resolve the problems altogether.  

Also, my wife objected to going out to dinner with me dressed in overalls! - Some people are really not into 'comfort' over practicality.

After six weeks I began irrigating and since then I have no problems with pancaking as I don't have any output until the next time I irrigate.

Not everyone is suitable for irrigation so I would suggest making enquiries with your ostomy nurse to see if this method would be appropriate for you.

I hope you find this helpful  

Best wishes  

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Aug 31, 2011 8:01 am

Thank you, Bill,
I will take your advice and talk to my stoma nurse and see if I can benefit from irrigating.

Aug 31, 2011 5:29 pm

I take Imodium or Loperamide, when needed, to keep stools firm!! And if they don't fall, I then give a helping hand with my fingers on the outside of the bag and ease down.
I've always done this.
Hope it helps.

Past Member
Aug 31, 2011 6:18 pm

I do almost the same as above, except that when I know I'm going to have a high output (usually evenings), I ensure that the bag has plenty of air in it - looks a little big under my trousers, but usually solves the pancaking. Sometimes it needs help, but there's no 100% answer.

(Oh, I also make sure the bag is outside my underwear so the bag is not squashed - when I go out, I put it back on the inside.)

Good luck.

Steven...Chigwell, UK


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 01, 2011 7:50 am

Thank you, Wendy,

For your advice, I will keep that in mind.

Sep 01, 2011 7:52 am

Thank you, Steve.
For your advice, Snrterry.

Sep 01, 2011 8:58 pm
From time to time I still have this problem but have found a way to keep it in check. First, I wear Comfiz underwear, (you can look them up on goggle) the waist comes up high over my stoma which is right on my belt line and can cause a multitude of problems but with the Comfiz they are made to have a all around contact and if you get pancaking all you have to do is lay your hand flat on the bottom of the pouch, causing a bubble at the top of the flange area and use two fingers and just slide down over the bottom of the flange and gravity takes over. One thing I would mention these under ware have no crotch but it won't take long to pull them to one side and that takes care of that, also I you have the beginnings of a hernia, the way these are made with their equal all round fit will help the problem. When I bought mine I got them through the company in Ireland and had no problems getting them with my credit card and I forget the price but I can say they were worth their weight in gold, and NO, I do not work for this company. Ed