My supply is dry!

Jan 11, 2012 6:31 pm

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Just thought I'd share this little smile that my hubby and I had together recently.

So me -- ileo Dec 09 after many years of Uc and then protectomy Nov 11.

Hubby -- no diagnosed bowel problems, but he's a guy with a very sensitive digestive system. Can eat a meal and if something is off (too much fibre, fat, whatever) he's in the loo in a flash. If he's stressed, he can get diarrhea.

It was one of those times for him. He usually just sees if a couple 'good poops' will do the trick before he takes something. Well, this time, he needed to take something. Who to ask? Me of course!! The gal who used to have Imodium everywhere. In the car, in various rooms in the house, in all my purses, in all my coats, even in our shed. I am not kidding. There was no way I would ever be without my Imodium.

And guess what ... I could say "I don't have any

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We both smiled because he knows what this means to me.

And then I went to the drugstore to get him some.

Have a great day, all!
Past Member
Jan 11, 2012 6:41 pm
Love it Beatrice!

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And long may it continue too!! Sounds like your recovery is going well? Well I'm delighted for you and may 2012 be a happy and healthier one for you too! Take care, Colm
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Jan 11, 2012 6:45 pm
Beatrice -


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This speaks volumes!

So happy to hear that you are at this point in your recovery process.  I celebrate and rejoice with you in your continued journey!

Past Member
Jan 11, 2012 8:54 pm
Good for you!

Isn't it great not to be dependant on all those forms of medication

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Jan 17, 2012 2:29 am
Awesome.  I have an ileo since 2006, and take 8 Immodium tabs per day.  Wish I could quit!

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 17, 2012 4:05 am
I have an ileo and all my output is liquid. I was taking DTO as well as a ton of Imodium. I decided to stop taking Imodium; and, guess what, my output continued as before but I started to lose weight. I can't complain about how I feel now and I am taking 8 less pills a day. Sometimes you have to go with the flow.  Sorry.    PB
Jan 17, 2012 8:22 pm
My output goes from liquid to pudding. You know ... I never even thought to take Imodium or such for my ileo output. It was always a drug associated with bum diarehea

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I empty often ... output goes from liquid to pudding depending on what I've eaten. Does the Imodium really slow things down (wondering if it would be a 'sometimes' option for days when I know emptying often isn't as convenient)?