Welcome Sassystoma: A New Ileostomate Joins Our Community

Feb 22, 2017 4:16 am

Sassystoma has recently had surgery to create her ileostomy. She has joined our group as a free member at first. She will soon have surgery to create her jpouch. I'm sure she will have questions so I have created this forum for us to welcome her and allow her to ask questions. Since I have a colostomy but she has an ileostomy many of you will be better suited than me to help her. Welcome, Sassy.


Feb 22, 2017 6:34 am

Hello Sassystoma.

Welcome to the Meetnaostomate site and I hope that this will be the beginning of a long and fruitfull correspondence. Like Don, I have a colostomy but don't let that stop you corresponding as much of the stuff on here is common to us all. If you have any queries specifically regarding ileostomies I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will relpy to your posts. If you prefer to be a less active participant but still want o gain access to lots of information, you might try browsing through the 'CONTENT' section under 'COLLECTIONS', where there is a sub heading for ileostomy issues. This is full of old posts and makes for great, informative reading. Don't be put off because the posts are from the past as most of the problems we face are timeless and past posts are just as relevant as current ones.

Best wishes


PS: Thanks to Don for posting on your behalf.  

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Create an account and you will be amazed by the warmth of this community.

NJ Bain
Feb 22, 2017 2:50 pm


  Welcome to the site!  I have an ileostomy myself but I do not have the option for a jpouch.  But there are several posts here on the subject.

  The site can be difficult to navigate but here are some basics.  As a free member, you cannot initiate emails or private messages.  You can however reply to emails or private messages sent to you by a paying member.  You can also chat in the general chat session and post to the forums.  If you have any questions, just post them here.  We'll do our best to answer them.

  Thanks Don for helping out a fellow ostomate.



Feb 22, 2017 3:51 pm

Welcome, Sassy! We're here for you!