Hi, this is Charlotte.
I tell my story all the time, so I don't want to bore you, except to say that I had a reversal almost a year ago last May, and my stoma closure scar has never healed properly. In fact, the whole 2-inch scar opened up so much I had to start packing it again.
I went yesterday to my surgeon to get the results of the culture.
I have MRSA in my incision site! I'm thinking of all the horrible things I have heard, and when preparing for the hospital, all the dire warnings in paperwork and posted on the walls.
They prescribed Bactrim, and this is the second antibiotic in the last month.
Here's the thing. They say catching it early is your best chance to beat it, but I don't know how to make doctors stop and listen to me.
I was released when it was still leaking. I reported it to the surgeon by phone after a while, but I was seeing my MD regularly. He ordered a CAT scan, and hernias showed up. So it took a month to get approved for that surgery and 6 weeks of recovery.
A week after that release, I started getting pains with a fever, and a week after that is when it split all the way with a horrid amount of discharge, so I went to the ER.
Needless to say, it's been another 6 weeks getting a CAT scan and getting tested. The lies they tell you! When I first saw on my medical record that I am now a carrier, I got all manner of explanations that didn't jive. The most popular is anybody who's been in the hospital is a carrier, so don't worry about it. When I thought I had another hernia because I feel a new lump, she said that's normal, especially with the mesh. Doesn't she realize even that was alarming!
But no, it's another MRSA coming out. It's on an old scar and already feels crusty but has not opened. It is causing the most pain as it's in the middle of my stomach.
Finally, I looked closer at my records and determined I got it when I went to the hospital for a colonoscopy prior to my reversal surgery. It seems to me if I'm a carrier and having surgery, the infection should be addressed.
My question is, does anyone know about surgical MRSA? I looked it up and can only see blisters on people that explode and that returns often. Isn't mine inside of me? I also need to know what else I should be doing besides taking Bactrim. I did read some of the homeopathic remedies.
I've been taking it easy for 6 weeks now, I guess because I'm not up to par, but have not felt really ill. I have the pains, no temp, eating way too much for not moving around, but that's all except moody. Now that has elevated to the nth degree!
Consider this a warning, guys. I hope from my story you will be able to do a better job with your docs.