Should I Opt for Stoma Revision Surgery?

Apr 28, 2018 12:16 am

need help with a decision. My surgeon has offered to do a revision of my stoma since it has become flush and is in a dip . Although I have been very depressed about it ,I am getting 4 days wear with it this way. I also have a stricture which he will remove at the stoma site. My decision is should I have this done as he is a very good  busy talented surgeon, or should I pass. The old adage keeps coming to mind - if it ain’t broke don,t fix it. I really need help with this as my name is on his elective surgery list and will come up soon. If I put it off and I run into trouble will he offer to help me again?


Apr 28, 2018 6:20 am

Hello Kathy.

If you are not happy about your present situation, then it is only natural that you should be contemplating putting it right. Sometimes depression is worse that the physical ailments and resolving them both is very important. I'm not sure about helping you with the decision as to whether to have the revision as this is a very personal matter which you need to work through. However, your question about whether the surgeon will help you if you were to put it off is a very valid one, which I would be putting to him directly for an honest answer, long before the operation is offered. This way, any decision you make will be well informed rather than guessing at a possible answer.

Best wishes with whatever you decide


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Apr 28, 2018 4:44 pm

Thanks Bill! Such a tough decision. Unnecessary surgery is certainly something I can do without.
