My Crappy Day

Jan 15, 2010 7:51 pm
My childhood friend Connie called me yesterday and asked me if I would like to meet her for lunch in my hometown.  Absolutely, so off I went, leaving my cellphone charging at home at the ready for any emergency which might come my way.  I came to a roundabout in the middle of the Iowa countryside (unbelievable choice of a site).  While cruising along and deciding which route to take, the laws of physics took over and hurled me over the edge of the highway, over a ditch, and I flew like an eagle a long way into a field near a schoolhouse where children were enjoying noon recess and watching the funny lady in the car.  An angel (very handsome a widow I have a special appreciation for a handsome man...with a cell phone) came along, contacted help and the wait began.  After what seemed like forever a very fat sheriff appeared looking at my car tracks and determining that I must have been going very fast and deciding whether to ticket me.  Then the towtruck slowly drove up and after a substantial amount of time relieved me of $150.00 to pull me out.  The sheriff decided I had suffered enough so he would let me off with a verbal warning.

Connie had left the restaurant to I went to the nursing home where her mother lives and we had our visit.  I decided to go to the restaurant for a sandwich before going home.  I gave thought to emptying my bag before leaving but since I had been stupid all day, why change now?  As I drove home I could feel the bag growing like an old zucchini and tugging my stoma like a nursing child.  I am hoping against hope but alas, came that moment of warm wet relief as crap flowed into my pants and coat.

When I went to bed I curled up into the arms of God (as a widow he is my Husband) and thanked him for getting me home at last.  Today I am staying in and am not planning to leave soon.
Jan 15, 2010 8:11 pm
Crappy day indeed

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! Glad to hear you weren't hurt.
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Jan 15, 2010 8:13 pm

I am delighted that I merely landed on my big behind.
The Bag
Jan 15, 2010 8:15 pm
hey now that sounds like an adventure in a half. atleast you're on the right side of the grass. regardless of what happens anything on this side is a good day. ive got myself in the habit of carrying a "man-purse" which contains 1 small bottle for water and a my trusty turkey baster. im in fear of having to use a potty when traveling. napkins in the glovebox. ive thought about it and really if i had to i could do my business on the side of the road b/c people like us dont have to pull our britches all the way down. glad to hear that you came out ok... hang in there and give it hell. OSTOMATES RULE!!

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Jan 15, 2010 8:16 pm
Oh you poor thing............! One day you will be able to laugh about it I'm sure, but I can appreciate that at the moment you are feeling decidedly p****d off! Sounds like the sort of series of events that I have too, so you aren't alone .... I reversed into a hidden ditch a few years ago on the road I live on and had the whole village driving past me, stopping and asking what I'd done etc... how embarrassing!

Big hugs, Rachel xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jan 15, 2010 8:24 pm
I considered lifting my coat at the roadside but having dealt with one "man of the law" already I felt I had best not.
Jan 15, 2010 8:25 pm

Rachel, you are so understanding!  You are one of the reasons I so enjoy this site!

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Jan 15, 2010 11:01 pm
Everyone has a crappy day now and then, but only ostomates appreciate the true meaning of the term.  Myself, i once ate an entire basket of blackberries immediately before boarding a BC Ferry in rough seas.  I am a prairie chicken and ferries are a leap of faith anyway.  I spent the entire trip in the washroom(about 2 hours).  It was a triple bagger.  My poor b/f sat outside and hovered.  At one point I thought it was safe to come out.  He started to offer me a coffee, stopped in mid sentence and said--maybe not ( i was, he told me later, a very unusual green colour).  I turned and returned to the washroom for the remainder of the trip.     

BC ferries have very nice washrooms and I have never touched a blackberry since.
Jan 15, 2010 11:43 pm

You are a funny girl funnygurl.
Jan 16, 2010 1:45 am
Maryallison look on the bright side, it could have been like this:

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Jan 17, 2010 11:11 pm
Maryallison: I have seven brothers (6 retired) and seven sisters, the baby of the family just turned 53 and I hit them up for jokes, mind you a lot of them will never see these forums, I had been saving that picture in hope someday I might cheer up somebody having a bad day. I hope it brought a smile. Ed

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Jan 18, 2010 2:44 am

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mary! I'm shocked you weren't hurt! Thank Goodness for that! Was  your car ok??

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Jan 18, 2010 2:53 am

It not only made me smile.....I howled out loud!  That picture was a keeper!
Jan 18, 2010 2:55 am

My big rear end kept me from hurting myself, and I think the car is OK.  I am in no mood to take it into the garage and pay anything right now.  

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Jan 18, 2010 3:10 am
From the sound of things you had quite adventure
Jan 20, 2010 8:14 pm
As I sit here typing I can smell the aroma of home baked beans and it brings to mind the last time we had them, man but they were good, three helpings good, that's good. But at three in the morning I made it as far as the bathroom door,and whoosh, three feet away lay the pouch, shit everywhere, never knew it could build up that kind of pressure, nor that kind of mess. Good thing my wife is a sound sleeper as I had a lot of cleaning up to do, ah, but tonight no more than two helpings, and probably wont sleep just thinking about the last episode. Have a good day all. Ed

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Jan 20, 2010 11:45 pm

Now that's what I call a Zeppo,, oh the humanity

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Jan 21, 2010 1:22 am
That remindeed me of after I got home from the hospital,I made some Ham & beans (navy) with lots of chili powder & onions ,Geeze what a mistake
Jan 21, 2010 3:23 am

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I take beano before every meal...even those that supposidly dont cause gas because everything gives me gas. But it works great. I had 2 bean burritos the other day...not one iota of puff!

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The past 2 days, I have had severe gas and diahrrea...not sure why. I think its my abscess causing it...?

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Jan 21, 2010 5:40 pm
Bean-o don't work for herman , he talks alot to everyone...... any other ideas, other then just not eating?

Take Care.... Keep Smiling makes people wonder what your up too.

Jan 21, 2010 5:54 pm

Melissa, welcome! 'Herman' What a wonderful name for it .....!

By the way, for the benefit of us foreigners over the pond, what the hell is 'Bean-o'?

Rachel xx
Jan 21, 2010 6:16 pm
Bean-o is a lil tiny bean looking thing you can buy and take to provent gas buildup from some foods.

People say it works for them.... But not me

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Jan 21, 2010 6:20 pm
Beano to me is a comic book lol,,

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Jan 21, 2010 6:34 pm

Yes, me too! So now we know Steve's an anti-fart bean. Sounds like something Dennis the Menace would use

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Jan 28, 2010 12:11 am
Maryallison!!  I'm so glad you're OK!!!  What a hair-raising experience, good grief..............but I do need to tell you girl, your sense of humor in your post cracked me up! LOL  You're a blast!!  ~Love and hugs from your crazy little Doe
Jan 28, 2010 12:14 am


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   ...yeah, doesn't work for me either....not in the slightest.   Haven't found anything that works honestly.  

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Feb 02, 2010 10:25 pm
Maryallison: I hope by this time you have gotten over your trauma and can laugh at your experience, wish I had another picture to send the message home to you, but you can always go back and look at that lion, I don't think he was after the toilet paper. Ed

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PS: I don't think lions use Beans either.
Past Member
Feb 02, 2010 10:40 pm

You would think with a name like Bean-o it would be having the opposite effect hey?!!! diversion...

Login to see image hope MaryAllison is doing OK now...haven't seen her for awhile

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Cheers all...

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Feb 06, 2010 3:18 pm
Maybe Maryallison can only type standing up. Just kidding, hope you're OK Ed

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Past Member
Apr 09, 2011 3:22 am
I feel for you Maryallison, bless your heart you Did have a bad day.  This photo of squatting in the woods is cute, made me laugh!  "Where do you find such a thing", my answer is in Oklahoma for sure, done it before myself!  Have to watch for the snakes, lucky for us we have an

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  ostomy, but if you have to pee Don't Use the Leaves to Wipe!