Irrigation techniques and equipment for stoma care - Seeking advice and tips

Shitt Happens
Aug 03, 2018 5:17 pm

Good day,

I'm a new member today and I speak French from Québec, Canada. I will try to explain my question the best that I can.

I would like to exchange with other people who practice the irrigation of their stoma. I do my irrigation every day for almost 6 months now and I have many questions on how to do it, the duration, the frequency, should we always schedule it at the same time... etc... and on the feeding as well as on the equipment they use (collars and bags) as we have few saddles when practicing irrigation.


Danielle :)

Aug 04, 2018 7:57 am

Hello Danielle. Thank you for your post as it poses some interesting questions. The first point that I would make is that if you have been irrigating for 6 months, then you probably know as much about it as most of us. However, in the interests of sharing, I would say that I have tried all sorts of different approaches to irrigation and have come to the conclusion that there is no right or wrong way to approach the matter. It's just a question of experimenting until we find the right solution for each of us as individuals. Personally, I irrigate every evening and the reasoning for this is:

a) I tried leaving it for as long as possible to see if I could get away with 2 days but I found it only lasted for about 30 hours, which meant I needed a bag midday on the second day. (not convenient!)  

b)  My system is slow, so the process takes me over two hours to complete and even then I am likely to get output some time later. Thus, it is best for me to do it in the evening so that there is plenty of time to finish before retiring to bed.  

c) I used to use the time productively,  by sitting on the loo and writing, But recently I have found that by getting up and walking around with the sleeve pinned up like a big bag, the process is much more quick and efficient. ( but I'm not getting so much writing done!)  

d) I usually wear a bag at nights in case there is output. However, when I am having pains in my bowels, it is a sign that there is still some output to come and I leave the sleeve on overnight because the output is likely to be too much for a bag.

e) I had lots of problems with sleeves not staying stuck to my skin whilst irrigating, which can be really messy! So, I made my own baseplates with two safety belts and stick the sleeves to those. Since then, I have have no problems.

There are a number of past discussions about irrigation in the 'CONTENTS' section under 'Premium Content' and 'Irrigation', which I would encourge you to read, as there are lots of tips and information from other past members which is still relevant today.

Best wishes


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Aug 05, 2018 3:55 pm

Hello and welcome to the site, if you have started irrigation then you have taken the most important step to controlling your ostomy instead of it controlling you! I have been irrigating for several years and can tell you diet is the next logical step to lengthen your time between irrigations. I suggest a high protein low fiber diet. If you adapt well to this, you should be able to go 2 days comfortably between sessions. If I can be of any help, just message me. Good luck. MMsh

Shitt Happens
Aug 05, 2018 4:46 pm

Thank you very much, Bill. Your comment will surely be useful to me. I like to wear the belt and the bag at night because I try not to use bags. I wear a big piece of cotton and a medical slap like in the photo that I have joined.
I do not use the big bag sleeve because when I finish introducing the water, I have like 1 minute and it starts to come out. So, I kneel in front of the toilet and it comes out directly. After 20-30 minutes, it's over. But as you say, I'm likely to receive output after an hour or so. I'll try the belt like you. Do you have a photo of your invention, just the belts and the bag, to give me an idea of how I could try to do the same? Thank you again for your kind words.

Shitt Happens
Aug 05, 2018 4:56 pm

Bill, I cannot go on the "Premium Contents" since I'm only a free member.

PS Sorry for my English writing since I speak and write French from Quebec, Canada.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Shitt Happens
Aug 05, 2018 5:31 pm

Thank you, Mild. You are right, I have to learn what to eat to control my digestion, and I do not know where to begin :(:( but like you said, "eat protein".
If you have any other tips for me to avoid output after my digestion, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you.


Aug 06, 2018 5:19 am

Hello Danielle. I too am only a 'free-member' and I can get into 'Premium Content' - so it should not be a problem for you and your english is a LOT  BETTER THAN MY FRENCH!.

If you want to have a look at the belts and bags I use, then click on my photo or name on any of these posts and it will take you into my profile. In there, at the top of the page you will find 'View photos', where there is a picture of those particualer gadgets that I recently posted for someone else. These are just a couple in a long-line of gadgets I have produced to try to produce something that is most comfortable and functional for me to use. I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all for people with stomas, as we all have slightly different needs. It would not be feasible or profitable for manufacturers to be making bespoke stuff to fit each one of us, so that leaves it up to us to make it for ourselves. Good luck in your irrigation. 

Best wiszhes


Shitt Happens
Aug 06, 2018 1:29 pm

Good day Bill, look what I copy-paste in the section: Premium Content: It's writing: we have to be full member to see all posts and the answer: (...Is it something I do wrong?

Aug 06, 2018 4:45 pm

Hello Danielle. Premium content is not different to the latest blogs and forum topic, except that they have been posted in the past. You should be able to open up whatever posts you fancy, simply by clicking on the titles. You can then read everything you wish and make comments in the last entry box just as you would if it was a recent post. If you are not a paid member, you will not be able to send individual personal messages but it will not stop you making conversations in the open forums or blogs.  Personally, I prefer to communicate this way because then everybody gets to read it as compared with personal messaging where only the recipient will get a copy. Paid up members can message you and you can reply to that message but you cannot send the messages yourself as an unpaid member. If you do a lot of communicating on the forums, you may be given free membership for the month - as a high volume contributor) In which case you can message people for that month.

I hope this makes things a little clearer for you on this matter.

Best wishes


Shitt Happens
Aug 09, 2018 6:06 pm

Google translation... lol

Hello to all those who do their daily irrigation. I would like to see photos, if possible, of what you buy for your irrigation and what you wear around your stoma after your irrigation.

And at night, what protection do you use for unexpected pooh surprises... lol

It would help me a lot to feel more confident at work, at home, at night, and everywhere... lol

Thank you very much for sharing with me :)
Quebec, Canada

Shitt Happens
Aug 14, 2018 6:34 pm

Good day irrigator....lollllllll

What do you use for ostomy lubricant gel please?

Not too expensive if possible:(

Aug 15, 2018 1:18 am

I have been irrigating for about a year with good success, however, I am having to use more and more water to obtain results. Any ideas why and is it a concern? I start with 1.5 liters but find I have to use an additional 1.5 to get results.

Aug 15, 2018 5:16 am

Hello Linda31. I never could get on with just 1.5 ltrs so I've been using 3 ltrs for a long time and it doesn't seem to cause me any more problems than 1.5ltrs did. Bearing in mind that I lose a lot of it in splashback because I use an anal catheta rather than  a cone.

Best wishes


Aug 15, 2018 5:19 am

Hello Shit Happens.  I use Aquagel by Ecolab. I have no idea how much it costs as I get it on a NHS prescription.

Best wishes


Shitt Happens
Aug 15, 2018 3:13 pm

Merci Bill :)

Shitt Happens
Aug 15, 2018 3:25 pm

Buenos días, Linda31. (Google translation again... lolllllll)

For some time, I noticed that I used more water than another half bag (750 CC). I did not find it normal to use that much, and I received advice to always introduce my index finger with gel into the stoma to make a path for your cone that you will introduce. The stoma retracts, just be patient, and the stoma opens. It works well for me now, and I use only 1.5 liters every day. Good luck!

Aug 25, 2018 12:44 pm

Shit happens. Good morning. I ordered the kits from Convatec through Edgepark and they were supposed to have a lubricant in the kit but did not, so they are delivering that today. But in the meantime, I asked my ostomy nurse what I could use and she said just KY gel would do fine. I am not irrigating yet though, so I have no experience to share there. My nurse said not to do it alone the first time because you could possibly pass out. My husband has been out of town and returns today, so this will be my big day! Has anyone had that experience? I also went on YouTube. Instructions there said to start with 250cc and increase daily until you get complete output, but my ostomy nurse said 500. Will it matter?

Shitt Happens
Aug 25, 2018 2:25 pm

Hello Puppy,

Ouffffffffffff..... your nurse has said a lot. Yet I'm 58 years old, I live alone, and I did my first irrigation alone .... and I never passed out. I saw my stoma, she explained to me how to do it, and I went back home with her good advice and I started.

All I can say is prepare all your stuff .... take a deep breath ..... fill your bag with warm water (I still use my wrist for the right temperature and it works), hang your bag as high as your shoulder, then take your KY gel, put this gel on the cone, then on your index finger, and real slowly enter your index in your stoma to see what angle is your stoma ... probably the ostomy will retract .... you will feel a pressure on your index finger and it is normal, wait a few seconds and remove your finger and insert the cone quietly, and it is possible that it does not work and it must happen to you to better understand your stoma ... if you have difficulty to enter the cone again with your finger quietly ... do not lose patience because more mistakes we made more we ended up understanding our stoma.

Try to put the cone in the same direction as your forefinger to be sure the water is entering your stoma. Do not open the entire water stream, just open it halfway and see if the pocket begins to empty. If the water comes out of your stoma, it means that the cone does not follow the angle of your intestine. It took me several weeks to no longer have water that came out until I realized that it was necessary to make a path with my index finger before introducing the cone.

Me, I always filled the full pocket 1500cc because I lost a lot of water at the beginning. If you find that your gut drinks 1000 cc ........ lollllllll. It means that you have started a good job. You may have some cramps at first, just turn off the water, wait a little, and start again at a small dose at first until 1000cc concurrency. TAKE YOUR TIME THIS IS NOT AN EMERGENCY TO DO OUR IRRIGATION, you will see your success day after day.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to answer them

with '' Google translation French = English '' .... lolllllllll

PS check this good video, it will help you like it helped me:)

Aug 25, 2018 4:14 pm

Shit happens,

Thank you so much for the great feedback and advice! I have watched several videos in addition to this one and they all have a variation to them so it is understood that we all work differently! I am just so excited about starting this so I can have an improved quality of life, ha, not that my life of leisure is a bad one! I would love to train my ostomy for every other day, have you been successful in more than one day? Seems like a lot of videos refer to two days but most ostomates on here say over one day but less than two and that still makes you irrigate daily. My other question is I was sent 10 boxes of supplies each containing 2 of everything except the water holder, cone and IV lines. Was wondering if that bag was reusable as well? May want to discard just due to odor! Lol

Thanks for your time!


Shitt Happens
Aug 26, 2018 3:25 am

Good evening, sorry I do not know how to irrigate my stoma for the regular 2 days ... if you found the way or what to eat for not having stool for 2 days please tell me I would love to do it only every 2 days. The most I have left without stool is 30 hours. But it is well indicated to always keep a constant so as not to have surprises.

And for large bags they are reusable but I do not use it I do not like it, it is too bulky, since my toilet is 12 inches from my sink I use 2 large plastic glasses that I switch as soon as one is full ... less damage.

And for the smell of the bags I always washed my bags with vinegar and baking soda and dawn in warm water. I still do it because irrigation always makes surprises after an hour or so ..... lollll

PS can you send me a pictures of what you did receive?? just to see if we have the same thing here in Canada ... I'm just curious ..Thank you:)

Aug 26, 2018 1:43 pm

Well, I did it last night! Yay! I will try to see how long I can go without irrigating. I am retired so I do not have to do it around a work schedule! I used 500 cc and was surprised that output was immediate. I did not have to wait any time and after the first big fill, I only had a small amount of output afterwards but within 15 minutes! I waited about an hour before I removed the sleeve to be cautious. They sent me a 2-piece system so the sleeve fits on the ring of the flange as does a small non-drainable pouch. It is about half the size of the normal pouch but way bigger than a cap. So far so good, nothing in the pouch as of right now. One thing I did learn was that the clips for the sleeve do not work! My bathroom run took a major hit when the clip let go! Lol The one video shows the guy using three clothespins. I will be shopping for something like that today! I will have to experiment with the time between irrigation but this week is a bad week for me. I have to take a friend's child back and forth to school so that may cause me to change up and cut a regular drainable pouch on after irrigating and I will have to come up with something to hold the sleeve on while irrigating or just waste the flange. Time will work it all out! I will take a picture tonight when I pull the supplies out to use. Have a nice Sunday! It looks to be a beautiful day here!

Puppyluv, Candy

Aug 26, 2018 2:19 pm

The sleeve will stay in place with just an ostomy belt to hold it, pull it fairly tight and it will be fine. I always put an old nbsp; towel down on the floor right where I stand to catch any splashes. 500 cc isn't very much water, I think I use 1500....anyhow, congrats on your first irrigation. You are on your way to taking back control of your life! You will fine-tune your method as you go along and learn from any mistakes. I suggest you start limiting your fiber, it will enhance your "clear" time. Mmsh

Shitt Happens
Aug 26, 2018 3:00 pm

To Puppyluv,

Bravo, I'm proud of you. The important thing is to always do your irrigation at the same time to get your gut accustomed to regularity. As when we had a rectum, I went to the bathroom every morning. For others, it's afternoon or evening. The important thing is to regularize our stoma. And I will never eat salmon again (diarrhea) because it is where I spent part of my night from 2:45 am to 6 am in the bathroom. Oh well... Shit happens... lollll. Have a great day!

Shitt Happens
Aug 26, 2018 3:09 pm

Hi Mild,

I also use 1500 CC and it's much more active and better as well.
But I thought we could not eat a lot of fiber, but you told Puppy to start the fiber, so by what kind of fiber should we start eating it? Because actually the last 2-3 out are liquid. Thank you for your advice.

Aug 26, 2018 6:02 pm

Sorry, I confused you. It may be the translation. I suggested she start "limiting" her fiber, that means she should slowly eliminate fiber from her diet.

Aug 26, 2018 6:02 pm

Hi guys, thanks for the advice and encouragement! My ostomy nurse said to start slow and increase by 500cc a day! Today will be 1000. The 500cc sure did not give me the greatest results for the first time. I have had output already today. Think I will try just the sleeve with a belt and place a normal pouch that is drainable versus the closed one I currently have on! I did burp it which is cool for the two-piece. I do not feel very confident with a closed pouch, afraid it may blow up! Lol

Keep you posted!


Shitt Happens
Aug 27, 2018 1:45 am

Mild, thank you for clarifying to the French grand-maman :):):)

Shitt Happens
May 15, 2019 3:49 pm

Good day irrigation people, long time no talk... lllll psst I'm back working 40 hrs/week since almost a year :( :(

Need to see what you wear as a patch once your irrigation is complete? Is it only the round adhesive stamp that costs a fortune in Canada, almost $5/day if no diarrhea meanwhile... lollll. You can see my photos to see my method.

Have a great day :)

May 16, 2019 12:00 pm

I use the Hollister 1796 patch. Mega Medical has them for $60 US funds per box of 30. The last ones I bought, I got on eBay for $20 per just have to shop around. Good luck.

May 16, 2019 6:10 pm

I have not progressed to the patch or cap yet! I will order them in August. My insurance covers all the cost so I am floored when I see the itemized bill! For those that have no insurance, not sure how they make it! I think all the stuff I ordered a month cost like 8000. I quit ordering cause I found I can do just as well without the barriers, powders, deodorants, cleaning wipes! I just use the adhesive wipes most of the time! Feel guilty even though they pay all of it! I did use a sample from Coloplast when I had a drainage line put in after surgery last year. Used the same way for the drainage tube as I do for our Ostomy. When it was draining a lot, I used a pouch and emptied it and when it got to be just a little, I used the cap. I did use gauze inside the cap to capture the liquid and replaced the gauze so I could use a cap or pouch forever. So if you are not having any output because you irrigate, you may want to try a two-piece cap and even line the inside with those makeup remover circles! Always a way to save some money!