Does Dehydration Cause a Stoma to Flatten?

Aug 22, 2018 7:37 pm

Hi all,

I recently had surgery to form my ileostomy. I’ve recently travelled abroad to a hot country and had some issues with the stoma going flat. After some consideration I think this might be due to dehydration, as it seems to be fine when I drink a lot. 

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or could point to something else it could be? It’s been fine since my surgery but it’s just since coming to this hot country that I’ve been having problems.

Thanks :)




Aug 23, 2018 3:00 am

Hi aaa

yes it is probably from dehydration....I have an Ileostomy and have to drink a lot of fluids all the time..Ileostomy output is very much just liquid and runs often..You will need to drink lots of water and gatorade to keep your electrolytes on track especially in a hot country..very best wishes....angela

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Aug 23, 2018 5:53 am

You did not need to go somewhere else to be in a 'hot' country this summer. The dehydration and electrolyte issue struck me this year as I felt absolutely exhausted on occasions and it felt like it used to feel when I would  'hit the wall' whilst long distance running. I tried electrolyte drinks for athletes and this almost immediately righted the situation. It is well worth bearing this in mind when output is liquid- as with an ileostomy. However, in my case, I think it was because I irrigate and flush out the system, which paradoxically, might cause dehydration, especially in hot weather.

Just a thought.

Best wishes


Aug 24, 2018 12:25 am

Yes Bill I totally agree.

The humiidity this summer has been dreadful..I havent been out much at all during the day because I cant stand getting dressed with the ostomy...I drink lots of water and G2 and go out after a Bat..LOL..Angela

Past Member
Aug 24, 2018 9:20 am
Good morning to you. It has been humid, here in Maine as well. I rely on barrier rings, when it is humid. I still get outside as much as possible. Depending on the day, with the ring, I can go 2-3 days between changes. Last month, I ran out of supplies, and had to depend on 2 people I know locally, for emergency supplies. I finally received my goods, and now I am receiving everything but barrier wipes. Luckily, I got plenty from my neighbor, who is a fellow ostomate. As for you venturing out of doors during the day, hang tough. I drink plenty of fluids, which only stays in for about 2 hours. By the way, the humidity returns to us early next week. I moved from Texas, to escape the heat and steam of the city. It must have followed

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