I want this to be a topic of the month as everyone seems to think that reversal is the answer..I want people who have great stories to post here as well as any other bad or not so good stories to post here...I want everyone to hear all the good and bad...........Please share,    as I personally believe the medical establishment hangs the proverbial "reversal carrot" out for those of us that are chronically ill and believing that its better than Ostomy( because they dont get it, that it can be great, life altering, life enhancing, life giving and just plain great)...Period...
For those of you without chronic illness and had an emergency surgery for some reason,  Yes I do believe reversal can make you whole again,  However those with chronic illness,  I believe it s like wishing on a star....a false hope and one that hurts us more than helps us in the long run as well as it doesnt help us to accept the current situation and to move on with our journey.........
I look foward to hearing  stories, both the good ones and the not so good ones.........Michael
For those of you without chronic illness and had an emergency surgery for some reason,  Yes I do believe reversal can make you whole again,  However those with chronic illness,  I believe it s like wishing on a star....a false hope and one that hurts us more than helps us in the long run as well as it doesnt help us to accept the current situation and to move on with our journey.........
I look foward to hearing  stories, both the good ones and the not so good ones.........Michael