Celebrating Stomy's First Birthday and Reflecting on Life's Challenges

Nov 10, 2018 4:49 am

November 9th, 2018, One year ago today, after 3.5 hours of surgery with three surgeons, My tumor, lympth nodes, rectum, anus, a bit of large lintenstine and 1/3 of my colon was removed.  OH yeah and a hernia was repaired.  Stomy was born.  Now that he's a year old, he'll probably start running around and getting up to all things mischief. Today would have been my 27th wedding annversary. November 9th, 1991.  My love died on Oct.3, 2001. Nine years.  People often say it's 'too bad' we didn't make it to ten years...are they kidding or just brain dead? Not for one extra day did I want to see my love suffer so horribly just to meet a stupid date. It was his time, I think God waited a little too long...no one should suffer like that, especially my Richard--with huge loving heart and his incredible genius.

We sat holding hands watching the Towers go down..he had less than a month to live. It was only 68 days from hospital admission to death...I'm still getting rid of his stuff. Next year, if I live, I will have been widowed for twice as long as I was married!

I just want to thank everyone on this site--everyone has taught me so much--even those with whom I disagree.  There is nothing finer than intellectual ability that allows one to agree to disagree without rancor---I have found it here.  

So know that now it is just the three of us: Me, our daughter and stomy. The first two I have under control...will be needing continued help and advice as I grow older and Stomy grows up.

God Bless, and thank you all. dls

Nov 10, 2018 6:22 am

Dls. Very good post.. heart felt.   Thanks for sharing !!


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Nov 10, 2018 7:54 am

Hello dls. Thank you so much for this interesting and personally motivating post.  With your experiences and outlook on life I feel that the future might hold a role for you sharing and giving advice to those less experienced, more so than seeking it from people who problably have less experience than you. Nonetheless, you make a good point about being able to share and converse with people on here without worrying about the fact that we might have differing opinions and perspectives. 

Best wishes
