UTI and Kidney Infections in Urostomy Patients

Two bags
Dec 24, 2018 1:01 pm

Anyone else suffer from UTI or kidney infections? I have both an ileostomy and a urostomy, and have been having some bad infections in the past. My symptoms include nausea, fever and vomiting, my urine will look like lemon juice, or milky, or red from blood. I was hospitalised twice last year for treatment. It took my doctors 12 months, and about six infections to come up with the right medication. They are very reluctant to go straight to a permanent antibiotic, that is the last resort. A lot of time was wasted trying over the counter medicines, they would only work for a few weeks, then I would get another UTI. I had lots of urine tests to find witch bug was causing my problem. I tried cephalexin antibiotic, that worked for a short time, then another UTI. Back to the doctors, needless to say, I was getting sick and tired of the continual UTI infections. I was given another daily antibiotic, called trimethoprim, 150mg a day. It's been a few months so far things are ok. However, I'm worried what will happen when, or if this antibiotic stops working, due to the bugs getting amuned to it. My specialist tells me there are only four types of antibiotic to control UTI, and I've already tried three, including Amoxycillin. When I asked the specialist why I'm getting the infections, I was told its cause a section of intestine was used to create my ileal conduit, or urostomy, and that living piece of intestine continues to produce bacteria, going straight to my kidneys. I'm told it's unavoidable, even if I drink lots of water. So, I'm wondering does anyone else with a urostomy suffer from continual UTI or kidney infections, and if so, how do yo deal with it?

Dec 25, 2018 9:35 am

Hello two bags. Thank you for posting your story as it is interesting to be aware of what can happen when we opt for these type of operations.  I am sorry to hear of your UTI problems and the fact that nobody else has, as yet, responded to your post. I suspect that this is because the condition you describe is not very common and the audience on here may not be as knowledgable or experienced as you are. Recurrent UTI's can arise for a number of different reasons including things like the use of catheters, sexual activity and the use of certain antispermal creams. The explanation that you have been given sounds very plausible and, if it is as your doctor says, that it is likely to keep occurring, then they will possibly put you on a permanent regime of antibiotics. However, this is a last resort approach because (as you say) the bacteria have a tendency to mutate and overcome the effects of the antibiotics. Thus, leaving people with an immune system problem. These sorts of things are like many other decisions in medicine. It is about balancing the advantages with the possible detrimental effects of the treatments.

I hope you manage to find a solution to your problem in the near future.

Best wishes


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Two bags
Dec 25, 2018 11:41 am

Thank you Bill, for your reply and information. I have never used a catheter, nor have been able to have sex in the last 10 years. My surgery left me impotent, and very unhappy about that, but that mabey another story, on another topic. In one surgery, I lost my bowel, my bladder, my prostate and had my anus removed and sewn up. It took me  about  12 months to heal from all that,  However, I'm still here, and still alive, that I can be thankful for.


Dec 25, 2018 7:36 pm

Hello two bags. Being left impotent must be very hard at any age but and even harder when young. However, it sounds as if you have a positive attitude and hopefully it will help to perceive what other things there are in life, which can also be worthwhile. As you say, being alive can b e something to be grateful for, especially if you make the most of it., There are so many miserable people out there, who have not experienced the things we have, and  have not yet found that they can simply enjoy life itself.

 Best wishes


Dec 26, 2018 8:25 pm

Hello -

I as well have the same as I am a double ostomate.  If you would like message me and we can chat.  I’ve had similar situations.



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