Pilates And Yoga With An Ostomy

Posted by MeetAnOstoMate

Based on the discussions from the MeetAnOstoMate Discussion Forum, here is detailed advice on Pilates and Yoga with an ostomy:

1. Pilates and Yoga are Safe Exercises: Both Pilates and yoga are considered safe exercises to do with an ostomy. Building up core muscles through these exercises can help prevent developing a hernia.

2. Consult with a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any physical activity, especially after surgery, it's important to consult with a doctor or surgeon to ensure safe and appropriate exercise.

3. Start Slowly and Gradually Increase Intensity: It is advisable to start off with easy exercises and stay within your own limits, especially considering the risk of hernias with stomas. Gradually increase the intensity of the exercises as you feel comfortable.

4. Use Support Belts and Modified Exercises: Support belts may be necessary for certain exercises, especially if there are complications like a parastomal hernia. Be cautious with core muscle exercises to avoid worsening a hernia, and consider modified exercises like wall presses and aerobics to work on legs, stamina, and breathing.

5. Private Sessions and Online Classes: Private yoga sessions tailored to individuals with ostomies can be beneficial, especially for those in remote areas. There is a well-qualified instructor with an ileostomy who teaches online Pilates classes, and she also wrote the Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit.

6. Be Mindful of Abdominal Muscles: When engaging in physical activities, it's important to be cautious with movements that strain the abdomen and adjust accordingly. It's crucial to have a coach who watches out for your health and pushes you a little more than you want, while being mindful of abdominal muscles.

7. Use Suitable Support When Necessary: Consider using a hernia belt for added support during workouts, especially when engaging in physical activities that may strain the abdomen.

8. Consult with Ostomy Nurses and Support Groups: Seek support from a WOC nurse and local support groups for personalized advice and solutions to ostomy-related challenges.

The advice provided is based on the experiences and insights shared on the MeetAnOstoMate Discussion Forum. It's important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance and recommendations based on individual circumstances.

Check out these links for more information:

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister