Running With An Ostomy - Peer Advice

Posted by MeetAnOstoMate

Based on the discussions from the MeetAnOstoMate Discussion Forum, here is detailed advice on running with an ostomy:

1. Product Selection and Preparation:
- Contact ostomy supply manufacturers for insights on the best products for running.
- Use waterproof appliances for running, even in wet weather.
- Consider using elastic barrier strips and a rubber belt for extra support during running.
- Use sports tape to hold the wafer in place while running to prevent detachment.
- Consider using a hernia support belt for added security and comfort during physical activities.
- Gradually build up to peak performance rather than overexerting oneself at the beginning.

2. Hydration and Diet:
- Plan to intake 2-3 times the normal water intake when running due to the loss of absorbed water from irrigation.
- Keep a food diary to monitor which foods stimulate bowel production more than others.
- Consider the impact of food intake on bowel production during running.
- Consider running in the early afternoon when output has settled.

3. Stoma Care and Support:
- Consider wearing a support belt for running, especially to help with the constant pounding that running creates.
- Look into Stealth Belts for good support and bag stability during runs.
- Be cautious about the risk of parastomal hernia and consider wearing support to prevent it, as an ostomy is considered a hernia by definition.
- Seek professional advice before resuming running post-surgery.

4. General Tips:
- Start with short distances and seek approval from a healthcare professional before resuming running post-surgery.
- Be prepared with spare supplies for unexpected events and feel safe.
- Control how people around you act by being relaxed and calm about ostomy-related situations.

It's essential to monitor output and adjust running times accordingly. Seek professional advice before resuming running post-surgery. Be cautious about the risk of parastomal hernia and consider wearing support to prevent it. Always prioritize your comfort and safety while running with an ostomy.

Check out these links for more information:

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister