Hi everybody and Happy New Year:
Someone was kind enough to send me a message and ask me how I'm doing from this group, so I thought I would reply here. About a month ago, things started to firm up and I'm doing quite well. If I eat too much milk or sugar, fat or spicy things, that's not good and I have to be careful with that. I think before I lost most of my colon I was in a state of inflammation, and that led to rapid weight loss, which was great although it wasn't because that was a sign that my body wasn't doing very well. But the feeling on my body was nice and the weight gain has come back steadily and I'm trying to keep it off. But I guess that's a good sign of health as well. I just have to be careful. I have started going to a gym. I still get the acid or bile burn from time to time, but I'm doing a lot better all around. As I've said before, if I knew the pain of the acid burn in the beginning, I wouldn't have chosen to do surgery for reversal because the pain was just crazy. But things are a lot better now. I do use a barrier cream from time to time and I am happy with it. I started going maybe 10 times a day, then 7, and now I'm down to maybe four times a day. In the last two weeks, I've even started having to push some, which is wild. I never thought I was going to have to push again. I do have a lot of bloating from time to time. I had the reversal and I don't regret it. My situation is different than a lot of people because I don't have Crohn's. I don't have any underlying stomach or intestinal issue. I had a really bad case of C. diff. I know that some people don't do well with reversal and I know that I'm lucky and I'm grateful. I do have a lot of ostomy supplies left, but they're not from Hollister or any kind of name brand because in the beginning my insurance was cheap so I got the cheap stuff, but if anybody wants about four boxes worth of ostomy supplies that are not name brand and you happen to live close to NYC, let me know.