Dark/Chocolate Stool Output - Should I Be Concerned?

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Jan 19, 2020 7:12 am

Hey everyone, it's me again! :) I had a question and I was wondering if anyone with ileostomies, to be specific, had any dark/chocolate-colored stool before. I was told in the hospital when I was being discharged that if I had any kind of black stool, I should immediately go to the hospital because that is a bad sign. So, I was looking at my recent stool color and it's been looking like that, and it just has me thinking if I should go to the hospital or if it's just a normal thing. But at the same time, I am not eating anything related to chocolate, so why would my stool be like that? Also, that stool color seems to be going on for some days now. My stoma seems perfectly fine; it has its red/pinkish color to it. But I wanted to bring it here before I go to the hospital for this. If anyone knows information on this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.


Jan 19, 2020 8:15 am

H..I've had my ileostomy for 20 years and my output is always mostly dark chocolate.....I don't think you should worry too much but if it would put your mind at ease then definitely go get it checked.....Ange

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Jan 19, 2020 8:44 am


What they are concerned about is a change in output color to something darker than what you normally have. Black/dark stool indicates internal bleeding in the intestines, which needs to be investigated. If your output has become very dark and what you eat hasn't changed significantly then you should be concerned and have it checked out.



Jan 19, 2020 8:57 am

Hello LandoLando.

I agree with what has been said about getting it checked out. However, every week after I have eaten watercress in my weekly salad, my output turns dark (like chocolate). This, I understand, is due to the high iron content in the watercress. It also used to happen when I took supplementary iron pills.  What is important is to identify the cause of the change. Once you have it identified, then you will know what to do about it - if anything. 

Best wishes


Jan 19, 2020 9:05 am

Hello, Bob.

One question: is it possible to tell symptoms if I was to have an intestinal bleeding?


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 19, 2020 9:16 am

Hello, Bill.

Ok, so the story with me was that I was actually anemic at first and then it went to me having IBD, which then turned into Crohn's disease. I hope to recover from it, but at the same time, it's hard for me to reproduce iron. The doctors told me not to take iron pills as it can lead to maybe a "blockage." I don't know if that's true, but if it isn't, then I would want to take pills. They also told me that the only way for me to get iron is through IV therapy, which sucks. But I am going to keep a closer eye on my output for tomorrow and see if it changes colors. If not, then I will be heading to the hospital soon. Thanks for the advice, man!

Jan 19, 2020 9:17 am

Hi Lando,

Here you go....

Symptoms of internal bleeding in your chest or abdomen:

Abdominal pain.
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain.
Dizziness, especially when standing.
Bruising around your navel or on the sides of your abdomen.
Blood in urine.

There's a very simple fecal test they can do that determines if the darkness in your stool is from blood or not. I think there are even OTC kits you can get at the drug store as well.



Jan 19, 2020 9:22 am

Ouuuu! Okay, I have dizziness due to being anemic, but at the same time, someone never knows. I think I will be heading to the doctors tomorrow just to make sure. Or maybe try the method you said about the "OTC." And a question, if I was to find those at a store, how does it work? Or would it come with instructions on how to use it?

Jan 19, 2020 9:27 am

Also, Bob, another question: I know I shouldn't, but does drinking soda make a difference in my stool output? I seem to drink a lot of soda, but I try to reduce it to juice, then water. But I'll get there. I rarely drink water, and I feel like that may be something, but I was wondering if it can maybe cause a difference! 

Jan 19, 2020 9:49 am


Here you go.


Not sure what you mean about drinking soda. Are you asking if drinking soda increases stool output or if soda makes more output than juice or water?



Jan 19, 2020 10:14 am

Hello LandoLando.  Iron pills can undoubtedly cause constipatio, which in turn can mean blockages for people with stomas, so it is important to get your iron from suorces that do not have that effect quite so much. Hence, for me it is watercress! However, there are many other foods with high iron content that also provide the 'roughage', which help prevent constipation. I'm afraid it all comes down to compromising and decidiing what is more important in the management of these things. 

As previously indicated, it is very useful to know precisely what you are dealing with, then you can look for the solutions with confidence rather than guessing.

Best wishes


Jan 19, 2020 2:30 pm

Interesting topic from Lando... Good to hear from you. Been awhile since we saw anything from you. Just know we are out here.

My surgeon told me when I was in the hospital after he removed my intestine. The entire large intestine that output should resemble "pea soup". Green substance. Huh? Then when I got home it turned more into a normal color that you poop.. I asked my stoma nurse about this. She said normal output color should be what you used to have.. Hmm. Well after almost 3 years watching my output I can testify it looks pretty normal in color. But....

Eating chocolate will change the color. Big time. I also nearly freaked out after eating some Hostess white powder doughnuts.. The mini ones you buy at 7/11 or WAWA.. Good lord you wanna see something off?? Eat a few and watch your out-poop then. Yellow-lime like. Never.. Ever saw anything like that. But clears right up.

With black stools and a normal large intestine it's usually a sign of blood.... Now I no longer have a large intestine and the out-poop is dark.. And changes depending on what you eat.

I would be cautious. See your doctor like you said. Unless you are experiencing the dizziness and lightheadedness of anemia, that means go to the hospital. NOW.

It's important to get some regular blood work to see how the oil is lubricating the machine, catch my drift. ?? Get a full panel of blood work. If you are feeling okay I think you can wait to see the doctor but do it this week..

As I said since you are anemic that can change your body.. I think it's normal to become anemic when you lose so much blood through your intestines... But there will be indicators.. If you are bleeding.. You got to become familiar with yourself now. You have undergone a complete overhaul. Some missing parts. Even different "fuel" may be required.

I would personally stay the hell away from soda. It's just not good for you. Water.. Hate to say it... Water.. Or flavored water... Soda is bad for anyone. You know this. It's like putting a higher octane fuel in your car.

It will run but you don't need it.

Keep track of what you eat and note the results. Anemia is a bitch on top of everything else. Take care of that. Note the symptoms. Keep us posted as soon as you know something. Warrior.

Jan 19, 2020 5:02 pm

Hello, Warrior.

Yes, it's been some time but I am still here! I've also been reading other people's forums because I want to learn new things. There's always something new to learn about here. I like how I brought up this topic and how you thought it was interesting. I wrote this forum to see if anyone had this kind of output, but from the comments I have received, which helped a lot, I will be going to my doctors soon to get that checked out. Okay, then from now on, I will start my "quit soda and only water (and Gatorade)" haha. And thanks for the advice, Warrior. I really appreciate it. Have a good one and take care, man!


Jan 19, 2020 7:32 pm

Hi Lando,

That last sentence caught my attention......."From now on, I will start my "quit soda and only water (and Gatorade)" haha." Not to suggest that Warrior is wrong about soda, but whenever someone tells you something is "bad" for you, it would be wise to ask yourself WHY. As an ostomate, you are now different from the "normal" humans walking the earth with a fully intact small and large bowel. So soda is bad because it has all that sugar or NutraSweet (carbonated water is neither bad nor good). And you're going to replace those bad things with Gatorade? Gatorade has the same "bad" stuff. See my point? What you need to ask yourself is.....are those things bad FOR ME?

Case in point..........I eat at McDonald's EVERY DAY. Sometimes twice a day. You're thinking OMG he's killing himself. Now why do you think that? Because McDonald's food is loaded with fat, salt, calories, and cholesterol, right.......so it must be bad (and it IS bad for NORMAL folks). But FOR ME, it's not. With the bowels I have remaining, I don't absorb fat or cholesterol, and I NEED salt and calories. It's NOT bad FOR ME......it's exactly what I need, as hard to believe as that is! Believe me, I know people just can't wrap their heads around that concept, as they can't see it from my perspective. I also drink 1 to 2 pints of heavy whipping cream A DAY. Most normal folks have a tablespoon or two a day because it's so fattening.....so I have 32 to 64 times more cream than a normal person each day. And I also drink about a quart of Half N Half (half heavy cream and half whole milk) a day. Holy crap all that must be bad, right? Nope......again, I don't absorb the fat and cholesterol, and I need the calories. The fat actually passes through unabsorbed and acts to firm up my output........so this terrible food is actually good FOR ME. Again, normal folks don't understand that, and I don't have the time to educate everyone who looks at me funny when I eat. But my point is don't take what folks say as blanket statements, because with an ostomy, you are no longer under that blanket. Same goes for soda. To get the right osmolarity, I mix regular cola with seltzer with diet cola. I drink 3 quarts (liters) of that per day to rehydrate. If I drank straight water, my output would increase because my body would not absorb any of it and would dump bile to try to increase the liquid's osmolarity to where it can be absorbed (so I'd dehydrate by drinking water......wrap your head around that!). So I can't drink pure water, but everyone tells us to drink 8 glasses a day. Again, that's for a normal person.........and I'm not even close to normal anymore. (No wise cracks Warrior, I can hear you thinking now!)

I'm not saying you should start pounding down Quarter Pounders and Big Macs........I'm saying understand what your specific body needs, what it doesn't need, what affects it and what does not. You're driving this train, and you need to know what you're driving. Bill takes Watercress for iron because that suits his needs. If you do the same and you have any part of your colon attached, the calcium oxalates in Watercress may cause you to develop Kidney Stones, which are no laughing matter. So every time you receive a recommendation from someone who doesn't know your whole story, take a pause and think about how it will affect your particular situation. Everyone means well, but our society has gotten so wrapped up in simple solution answers to complex problems, we're like Lemmings off a cliff. And I don't mean to pick on Bill's suggestion.......if you read his post carefully, he doesn't suggest YOU should take Watercress, he just points out that for him it's a good solution to the iron issue. We all need to be careful about what we recommend to people because there can be unintended side effects. That's why almost everything out there says something to the effect of "before using this contact your doctor.....bla, bla, bla". That's because they don't know each person's situation, and what's good for one may be very bad for another.

Feel like I'm preaching here...........sorry for that. I think you get the point............knowing yourself and your situation will allow you to make smart decisions, rather than relying on someone who doesn't know you making those decisions for you. Take every recommendation with a grain of salt (figuratively, not literally) and make sure it suits your condition and needs. Ok, 'nuff said. Again, don't mean to poo-poo anyone's specific recommendations about anything, just addressing the reasoning that needs to be applied by each of us before following any recommendation.

The windbag has now left the building.



Jan 20, 2020 12:47 am

Well pooped, Bob. I mean well put... Indeed, your assessment is very on target. You nailed it. Lando has to do for himself, not what others advise him. We are all different in certain aspects of not having a colon. Where I was told to drink flavored water, Gatorade... I didn't suggest Lando drink Gatorade. That's on him. But good catch. He should see a nutritionist, then take notes on the food that affects him. It makes perfect sense for you to go to McDonald's. You fully get it... Like most of us, we may not. Did you hear the one about Dairy Queen? How she got pregnant? Hmm. Burger King let out its whopper.

Jan 20, 2020 1:04 am

Warrior................Good one about Dairy Queen! I guess that's why BK has a new burger called "The Big King". Yeah, I wasn't trying to insinuate that folks were giving Lando bad advice, just making him aware that he needs to tailor any advice he gets to his situation. It just took me a few thousand words to say what I just said in like ten. I need to go find something to eat. Pizza sounds good. Sure wish we had Jersey pizza down here! You know.......not a single person I've asked down here knows what a Zeppoli is. Ignorant bastards. Shit, now I'm REALLY hungry!


Courageous Cat minus Minute Mouse

Jan 20, 2020 1:13 am

Oh man, I feel for you.. No zeppoli? How unamerican can ya get, geez. Got to have it, man, when ya near the shore.. Boardwalks. I was just in Point Pleasant. Place is closed tighter than a Jersey clam. I did manage some mussels though.. Good stuff right from the ocean.

Lando is new to this site and having the stoma, so he needs everything he can get and ask his doctor about it.. You were 100% right eating what you need to eat, while others don't get it nor even think outside of the box. You had to.

Pizza sounds good. Enjoy.

Jan 20, 2020 2:39 am

Wow, it's so funny because all my doctors would say after me being discharged from the hospital was to eat whatever you want (except like peanuts or anything that can cause a blockage, etc). So I was "joking" around with them and I was saying, "Can I eat McDonald's 24/7 and still be okay?" And they said yeah because you need food in your body and a lot of meat because I rarely produce iron, so meats are good. Yet, I am still not fully absorbing them, but that's due to me having my colon chopped off. But the thing that I really hate is my weight. I really want to gain weight and there's just no way. I am a skater and on some days I skate, but I feel like whatever I eat, I either burn it up fast or am barely absorbing it. But another thing in my health is my metabolism is fast. I feel like maybe that's another reason why I can't gain weight, but thanks for the words, Bob!


Jan 20, 2020 3:18 am

Hi LandoLando, I don't have an ileostomy. I have a colostomy. Like some of the guys said, what is okay for one may not be good for another. It is the same for me. A lot of things other people are okay with, I cannot eat because I have sugar. And some of the things others eat would make my sugar go too high. So we each have to try to find what works for us. Good luck.

Jan 20, 2020 6:18 am

Hi LandoLando.. If I try to drink Coke and sodas with my ileostomy, I am in agony for hours after because of the gases in it.... Everyone is different, but I stick to water, Gatorade, and non-gassy juices....

Bob, good for you being able to eat like that... It would kill me for sure... lol...


Jan 20, 2020 7:17 am

Hi Stomer,

Seems you've stumbled onto the toughest problem in all of OstomyLand... that of finding a good doctor. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer amount of BAD doctors out there, and finding a good one is a continual never-ending process. The ones with the most knowledge and wisdom either don't accept new patients or plan on retiring shortly. I've been the patient of some truly horrible doctors and some very good ones. The problem, as I see it, is patients are lazy and don't put much effort into really finding the best doc they can. It ends up being one of those hindsight things where you'll wish you had made the effort to find a better Doc after it's too late. We're all guilty of it, so you're not in the minority.

Most Gastroenterologists know almost nothing about diet and how to care for an ostomy. I guess the medical profession is a bit too compartmentalized and the GI Docs figure that's where Dieticians and Ostomy Nurses come in. My advice to you is to seek out a Dietician who specializes in IBD, and not Diabetes. She (seems they're all women for some reason) will be able to get you on track to gain the weight you want. But take the time now, while you feel good, to find the best Doc you can. Most of the larger teaching hospitals are now getting involved with tele-appointments, where instead of having to go see the Doc in person you can schedule a half hour or more talking to them on the phone and they bill your insurance company the same as an office visit. Makes sense for those who don't live near the best Docs, which it seems we never do. And don't ever be afraid to kick one to the curb if you're not satisfied with how they're treating you. Personally I always try to have 2 good Docs on my side, as a second opinion is only good to you if you get one. So I have two good Gastros that I bounce each other's thought off of just to make sure it's really good advice. You'd be amazed at how many times it's not.



Jan 21, 2020 11:42 am

I had iron infusions. It didn't suck. It was like Remicade. I needed premedication so I got my IV run and then my pre-meds. Then you get your infusion which takes all of 20 seconds and then you hang out for a while after your infusion just to make sure that you didn't have any after effects.

My iron infusion was done in the chemo infusion center so I had a private TV and they brought me snacks and sandwiches. Occasionally they had violinists and cellists play things like Brahms and on occasion they'd have message therapist trainees come in and practice food rubs on you.

Getting my blood counts back up made a HUGE difference.


Jan 21, 2020 3:26 pm


You got food rubs? Now THAT's what I call "SERVICE"! Was it a dry rub with kosher salt, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, black pepper, brown sugar, etc, or was it a wet rub with a bit of Jack Daniels thrown in to make it seep way down into the steak and ooze out the other side? Dude, you got to tell us the name of THAT infusion center.........I'm getting all worked up for a nice thick Porterhouse just typing this!!!


Keep it light Brother!


Jan 29, 2020 9:20 am

Do you eat cherries or olives? That and chocolate would definitely look like pudding. Usually, I can tell what I've eaten by what it looks like and how much and how quickly it comes out. Coffee is another one that is dark, I mean that is obvious, right? If you're not nauseous or have unbearable stomach pain, I would say you're fine. I've had a blockage before, so eat one thing all day and notice everything about how your stoma likes it. I follow the hypoglycemic diet mostly now.

Jan 29, 2020 6:33 pm

Foot rubs...Foot rubs.....

Jan 29, 2020 7:24 pm

Food or foot rubs? Don't care. Just send me the address of that hospital or clinic. I'm going!!!

Jan 29, 2020 8:33 pm

Mercy Hospital Cancer and Hematology Infusion Center in Baltimore. If you go to the Remicade Infusion Center, you just get warm blankets, snacks, and drinks.