Desperate for relief from severe constipation

Apr 26, 2020 12:11 pm

Over the last two weeks, I keep getting blocked up. My stomach swells to three times its size and it is very painful. I have to push and squeeze my stomach to get it to release the poop. I am in massive pain. I cut back on my Imodium to try to see if that helps. I am in constant pain. I can't walk much as I am in so much pain and can't sit for very long. I have to sit on the bed on an angle. Has anyone ever had this problem? I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks.

Apr 26, 2020 12:57 pm

it sounds like you may have a partial blockage....i would seek medical help before too long if you dont get some relief. there was just a post recently called "oranges" you mite want to read thru, as it was a simular situation. good luck

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ron in mich
Apr 26, 2020 1:12 pm

Hi Welshlass, I would stop the Imodium and drink some kind of fruit juice until it resolves, and then eat easily digestible foods like pasta or cereals, yogurts so your stoma gets some rest. Good luck.

Apr 26, 2020 1:35 pm

Thank you .com. I will try that nbsp.

Apr 26, 2020 1:41 pm

I strongly suggest that you see a physician immediately. A blockage can turn out to be extremely serious.

Don't take a chance with this.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Apr 26, 2020 2:07 pm

Stop taking Imodium as your bowel is blocked. There is no need for it, as it only started 2 weeks ago and everything worked as it should up until then. I would phone your stoma nurse on Monday for their advice to avoid any more problems.

Past Member
Apr 27, 2020 12:23 am

I agree with what has been said before me - stop taking the Imodium! You are likely causing yourself to be constipated. Maybe try a beer or some decaf tea to see if you can get things moving again. How much Imodium do you generally take? And for how long have you been taking it? I take Imodium too, but I really have to pay attention to what I am eating and drinking, and then alter my Imodium dosage based on that. I generally take 2 Imodium per day, but more if my fiber intake is higher, or if I have a beer. If I take too much Imodium, I can get somewhat constipated, and yes, it can be painful, and not just in my abdomen - I feel it in my chest and back too. And you're right - there is no position that can bring relief. If this doesn't clear it up in the next day, or if it gets worse, contact a doctor. If you have a blockage, that isn't something you can fix on your own. Good luck, and please let us know how you are doing.


Apr 27, 2020 7:31 am

Hello Welshlass.

I agree with what has been said before, but thought I would share with you that the immodium pills were so bad for me that I shared my concerns with the surgeon who told me that different people react to immodium differently and suggested I tried it in liquid form , so that I could adjust the dose according to my needs. This turned out to be a useful suggestion. I used a 5ml syringe to measure the dose and it transpitred that I only neded about 2mls to be effective and anything over that would bung me up. However, On a trip to New Zealand,, a friend gave me some Metamucil to try, and I have been using that to good effect ever since. 

I hope you resolve your problem soon

Best wishes
