Hello, I am wondering what tricks or tips you all have for me with applying the barrier ring/wax ring. I have tried to put it on the wafer… doesn't seem to get close enough to my stoma. I have tried cutting it and putting it around my oblong stoma… I will get it perfect, but when I pull my fingers away… it moves the ring… :/ I am wondering what things have been successful for everyone here.
And prior to asking: I have an ileostomy still healing from surgery; I have to use the ring. I cut my wafer 1/8” wider so my stoma has room to expand without injuring her; she's 25mm x 33mm approximately… been using Hollister one pieces, and trying Coloplast one pieces.
I have been having to change every day or every other day due to leakage. Also been using stoma powder and skin barrier pads… I have open sores where my stitches are that occasionally bleed. So I'm trying to get those healed…
Ty, Rhonda