Ugliest Stoma Contest - Who's Up for It?

Jul 26, 2020 10:17 pm

Hi gang,

Does it strike anyone as strange that with all the talking we do about stomas and skin irritation and such that no one ever posts a pic of their stoma? I'll tell you straight away that mine is the ugliest thing you ever saw. But I've gotten comfortable with it now (after almost 7 years) and it's not going anywhere... so I think I'm okay with entering it in a competition. Trust me... yours won't look any worse than mine... or will it?

Anybody want to have a contest to see who has the ugliest stoma? I'm not talking about stomas with medical problems... nothing too gross... just healthy stomas that are incredibly ugly. Rosebuds need not apply. Would that be too gross for everyone... or can you wimps handle it? Of course, parental discretion is advised if we do it. Maybe we need a prize... let me see what I have laying around that would interest you intestinally challenged folks. Give me some feedback... yeah, nay, hell no... or bring it on, bitch! Now where did I put those flashbulbs? Henry... explain what flashbulbs are to the young'uns, will ya?



Past Member
Jul 26, 2020 11:30 pm

See what happens when you get him talking about farts? Just goes downhill from there..... I'm siding with the wimps on this one.


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  38,175 members
Jul 26, 2020 11:40 pm

Heck no! Do not like looking at a butt hole or a stoma!

Jul 26, 2020 11:50 pm

I need to know what the prize is first. Cash would be nice. How about remodeled butt pics. I have never seen mine. Maybe I need a pic for myself. Graham Norton had a segment of nutscapes on his show. The possibilities are endless.

Past Member
Jul 27, 2020 12:49 am

Boy, I don't know Bob,

I have a hard time looking at my own. We don't want to gross out any of the ladies, do we?

And xnine struck a thought, I haven't ever seen my backside either. Hmm, I don't know? Mine they had to cut back open and fill in on its own (radiation damage to the tissue). I might have a chance at that one? Or maybe I don't want to see that after all.

A lot to consider Bob and xnine. We'll see what everyone else has to say, I guess...mountain.


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 27, 2020 3:31 am

Ahhhhh yes.........the Prize! Good thought has to be worth it to some I guess.

Now after all the crap you guys have been through (to get here)'re telling me you're afraid to look at a couple ugly stomas??? When I was having intestinal blockages, and explaining to my Gastro what the pain felt like.......and you know what it feels like........I asked him how bad could it get. He just looked at me like you look at a mischievous child and said......bad, real bad. He also said that when things get really, really bad you'll start throwing up. Meaning if it can't get out one'll get out the other. And although I suffered through more obstructions than I can was the worst. It was so bad that if I had bullets for my gun in the house........I wouldn't be here today. It was so bad I puked. And what came out of my mouth wasn't stomach contents.......if you know what I mean. So if I can puke up my own shit........looking at an ugly stoma is a piece of cake. Shit cake maybe.........but still cake.

But ok........I get that the ladies are classy and us guys are not. So how about we post pics of our stomas adorned with those cute animal face parts you see on Facebook all the time....the pig's nose or the whiskers or pointy little ears. How about an Ugliest Cute Stoma contest? Work with me people.......I'm trying to keep this site fun and exciting. It's a site about ostomies.........give me something......anything.



Jul 27, 2020 7:19 am

Hello Bob. 

Having thought about this concept for all of 30 seconds, I would be intrigued to see how such a competiion would evolve. Before my operation, I looked at as many stoma photos as I could find online. I have to say that they were mostly gross and were most off-putting to someone who was contemplating having the procedure done himself. I shared this information with the stoma nurse, who reassured me that not all stomas turned out that way. She had a selection of pictures which depicted the 'rosebud-ideal' and assured me that this was what I could expect from the surgeon (who was also her husband!). Hence, my own stoma would not be a suitable candidate for an ugly-stoma competition. 

However, I can understand how some ostomates might like to share their pictures and have judgement and feedback from fellow ostomates. One problem I can envisage with this, is how to safeguard the observations of such things from those who definitely do not want to participate either as entrants or as spectators. Perhaps the suggestion should be broached with admin to see if there could be a 'special' section for such 'specialised' competitions. 

Of course, there have been a number of people with problem stomas who have already graphically shown therir stomas to us, so that we have a good idea of what they are talking about. ( 'a picture is worth a thousand words' springs to mind!) Nobody that I know of was grossed out by these pictures. However, a competition to ascertain 'ugliness' is not quite the same as a photo to try to resolve serious problems and it might strike some as being a bit on the frivolous side for such a serious subject. 

In summary, I appreciate the concept of making light of these problems and having 'fun' with the whole concept, but I would also understand how it would do the opposite for some people. Such is the nature of 'humour'.

What is amusing for one person may be abhorrent for someone else. 

Best wishes


Jul 27, 2020 12:54 pm


ron in mich
Jul 27, 2020 1:29 pm

Hey Bob, what about flash cubes for the Instamatics?

Past Member
Jul 27, 2020 2:49 pm

I'm out of the running then. Nurses and doctors always compliment me on what a nice round stoma I have. Lol... Is your stoma really ugly or is that just what's in your mind? Stomas are just like people, we're all beautiful to someone.

Jul 27, 2020 3:42 pm

Panther... trust me... if my stoma had a mother... even she would think it was ugly.



Jul 29, 2020 1:42 am

I have looked at a lot of them online and have seen some pretty ugly ones. It doesn't bother me that much. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but mine is more like a rosebud.

Past Member
Sep 10, 2020 10:47 pm

This thread...

Sep 13, 2020 9:10 pm




Sep 13, 2020 9:19 pm




Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 10, 2022 9:35 pm

I can't enter because my stumpy is a cutie, not an ugly, but I can be a judge....