Hi gang,
Does it strike anyone as strange that with all the talking we do about stomas and skin irritation and such that no one ever posts a pic of their stoma? I'll tell you straight away that mine is the ugliest thing you ever saw. But I've gotten comfortable with it now (after almost 7 years) and it's not going anywhere... so I think I'm okay with entering it in a competition. Trust me... yours won't look any worse than mine... or will it?
Anybody want to have a contest to see who has the ugliest stoma? I'm not talking about stomas with medical problems... nothing too gross... just healthy stomas that are incredibly ugly. Rosebuds need not apply. Would that be too gross for everyone... or can you wimps handle it? Of course, parental discretion is advised if we do it. Maybe we need a prize... let me see what I have laying around that would interest you intestinally challenged folks. Give me some feedback... yeah, nay, hell no... or bring it on, bitch! Now where did I put those flashbulbs? Henry... explain what flashbulbs are to the young'uns, will ya?