The dam busted!

Feb 26, 2010 8:14 pm
Thanks for all the advice regarding my blockage. This AM at 2 tons and tons of yucky stuff poured out of my body, woke me up, thru my fistula and out my vagina. Nasty way to wake up...but today my output has started again into my bag, where it is supposed to go. I was really worried thinking the ER was in my future, but hopefull the draining will stop now and the bag will reign! At least till the next time. Thanks again..Jeanie in Georgia
Feb 26, 2010 8:27 pm
Hi Jeanie, glad you now have gone things going again ..... but so sorry you had to go through all that literal 'crap' to get there .... Hugs ...... and take care Jeanie, Rachel xx
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Feb 26, 2010 8:40 pm
Hi Jeanie, Its good to hear you are having some success, hope it keeps up, we ostimates have enough a load to cary, don't need any unnecessary shit if we can help it, keep getting better, Ed.

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Feb 26, 2010 9:03 pm
Thanks for the kind words and affection. I am hoping for a good weekend and a good nights sleep, dont know why these little sweeties decide to do their thing while we are asleep. Have a wonderful weekend to everyone..J in Georgia
Feb 26, 2010 9:28 pm
It is such a relief when it passes.............Yahoo

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Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Feb 26, 2010 9:36 pm
YAAAY Jeanie!!!   I'm so glad things are moving through again!!!

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  Brew a nice hot healing cup of decaf tea and kick back to watch a good movie or something...this is great news

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Feb 26, 2010 10:03 pm

I have a very close friend named Laura that had a fistula between her rectum and vagina.

she was deficating thru her vagina for several years.  It was a terrible experience because there is no control.  All she could do is wear lots of pads and carry spare undergarments all of the time.

She had several surgery's to correct the problem at the University of Washington Hospital.

Thru all of the operations all they ended up doing was creating more scare tissue.  Unfortunately her condition worsened.

It is not in Laura's nature to give up, no matter how hopeless something seems.  She finally came upon a surgen that could and did fix her.  She is not completely right, however she now deficates thru her anus with control.  The surgen told her if he had gotten to her before  all of the earlier operations he could have made her normal.  However there was so much scar tissue there was simply nothing to worlk with.

When I had all of my operations and problems, I went to see this same doctor as a last resort.  When all others had failed this surgen was able to install a J pouch and make it work.

As it turns out this surgen takes on patients that other doctors  have simply given up on.

You might get a kick oput of this.  When I was Senior VP at Arctic Alaska Seafoods, we were the largest sea food company in the world.  We, mostly me pioneered the at sea concept of catching and processing the seafood on board the ship while at sea.   We had over 20 of these huge at sea factory ships, the biggest being the trawlers.  We pulled nets over a mile in circumfrence, and  

had to pull aboard over a million pounds of fish every 24 hours to feed the factory, that is each ship!  Perhaps that will give you an idea the large scale I am talking about.

Anyway to make a long story short, or maybe longer.  I promoted Laura, to Captain of the biggest ship we had.  As far as I know she was the only women that ever ran one of the at sea trawlers.  She did a termdous job.  That was 20 years ago.  We are still very close friends.  When we talk about stuff, nothing is off limits.  Laura, is the kind of friend a person, if they are very lucky might have one of, in their lifetime.

If you are considering another surgery and would like to talk to someone who has been thru hell and back with the fistual problem, let me know.  I will ask Laura if it is alreight to give you her number.  I know that it will, its the kind of person she is.  Out of respect I must ask first.
