Hello mates.
I hope someone can help me by sharing their experience?
I've had my lifesaving ileostomy for 40 years and experienced my first and hopefully last bowel obstruction in December. Everything happened so fast before I called 911 to transport me to the hospital. At the ER, they inserted a NG tube to decompress my abdomen and I did not need surgery but was hospitalized for 3 days. Unfortunately, since the obstruction, I've had periods of fulminant diarrhea which has left me staying home more than I like.
I have gone to the doctors several times in the last 3 months. My primary has done all the tests for bacteria in my stool. All stool tests are negative and blood work has only slight elevations, so it's difficult to find the reason I have diarrhea. The doctors have started me on cholestyramine which bulks the stool but can also cause another obstruction, so I just take it twice a day. The medicine helps but does not deal with the issue of why I'm experiencing diarrhea, so it's a band-aid fix and not the cure.
I was on Flagyl for 2 weeks and the problem resolved, and then it came back. Very frustrating that antibiotic treatment got me to normal, but the providers do not order antibiotics or even probiotics? I ingest pill form of probiotic from Whole Foods and also a liquid drink that has probiotics.
The latest diagnosis that seemed possible was a condition called small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Has anyone had this disease process?
I had an EGD done this week and have mild gastric reflux and a small hiatal hernia, so nothing that explains the diarrhea. I'm waiting for the biopsy results done in the esophagus, stomach, and areas of my duodenum. Maybe the biopsies will show what's going on?
The doctor said to me this week that I may have to live with this the rest of my life. This is unbelievable to me to have watery stool which causes dehydration and fatigue for the rest of my life! It's quite depressing, and I now have a better sense of chronic illness. My ileostomy has made me normal and gave me my life back, but this diarrhea is overwhelming.
Hopefully someone has experienced a bowel obstruction with post-diarrhea and can help me figure this out.