Irrigation Question

Mar 04, 2010 5:03 am
Hi folks.  I've another question concerning the hernia........can irrigation irritate a hernia around the stoma?  For about six months I was able to irrigate my colon but as time went by, it became more and more difficult.  Seemed that during the process I could no longer keep the water just sprayed out as quickly as I was trying to put it in.  I stopped irrigating for about four months and recently started it up again.  It went well the first day but has once again started the same process of spraying out the water as I am trying to get it into the colon.  Also the area where the hernia is at is very hard and sore.  If a nurse is reading this, could you give me an answer as to why this is happening and could it be the hernia being affected by the irrigation process?  Thank you so much, Debi
Mar 04, 2010 10:38 am
Hi Debi,

I don't have anything definite to add about hernias, but I do irrigate. It sounds like your hernia may be very close to the end of your colon and that may be why you can't add and hold the water in long enough to work.

If the hernia site is hard and sore you should have it checked by your MD.

Again, I don't have any experience or definitive knowledge about hernias.

Good luck.

I hope you can get it fixed up. Irrigation sure does makes life a lot easier, doesn't it?


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Mar 04, 2010 2:05 pm
Annie, you know what I'm talking about.  The hernia is right there at the end and it is hard and so very, very tender when I try to irrigate.  That old, ugly hernia, I do believe IS the culprit behind a number of the pains I am feeling right now.  Thank you Annie for you help.
Mar 04, 2010 5:02 pm
Hi Debi, I just noticed we have a certified ostomy nurse on board, it could help if you gave her a heads up about your problem, her nic is GACWOCN, COULD BE SOMETHING SHE HAS RUN ACROSS BEFORE. ED, Damn caps, good luck.

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sorry about that, just checked and the poster goes by:

Mar 08, 2010 1:42 am
Hi Debi, Certainly your hernia is the root cause of many new problems. Can you change the cone from a sharp one to a little blunt one? That may help reduce piercing pain that you may have. I was told by my doc and nurse too that with hernia, if I develop one, I will not be able to irrigate.

I have not herniated but I am tending to. Another effort that may help is to make sure that you are inserting the cone in the direction of stoma. Due to hernia direction of stoma may have shifted. You know how to check that? Probe with a gloved finger and find out.

Cheers, Anis

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