How many Imodium a day can I take

Dec 26, 2010 6:54 am
i have 3 fistulas and a ileostomy the fistulas are from my last surgery 4 months ago the stoma is 8 years old i have a high out put so i have been taking 8 imodium a day has slowed the stoma by half but not the fistulas as much just wanting to know how many do yous out there take a day and is it save or is there any better medication or maybe food i could try   many thanks poppie australia
Dec 26, 2010 9:45 am

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As soon as i seen yous i knew you was an aussie hahaha ..Me too i used too take 12 too 14 immodium a day 4 crohn's disease  but didnt have a pouch then so not sure my ileo is high i suppose But number 1. u dont want a big out put dont eat or drink. 2 is up too u somone who i chat too from here well we email now said  take a lot of Panadeine forte dunno if u want that either wat about stoma nurse i also use the ileo gel satchels from i think eackon or omnigon they are fantastic for soakin up most of the water i never leave home with out them..Wats with the fistulas u got me worried i had 8 ops and have some small hole but Specialist sais hasnt gone all the way like proper hole ..Is that what happened with you gosh lot of peeps in ere got them people will help you there cool in here goodluck catcha here maybe  Seeya mare   = mooza

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Dec 26, 2010 11:08 am

Hi Poppie - Just googled it for you ...

Chronic Diarrhea
Adults: The recommended initial dose is 4 mg (two capsules) followed  by 2 mg (one capsule) after each unformed stool until diarrhea is controlled,  after which the dosage of IMODIUM® should be reduced to meet individual  requirements. When the optimal daily dosage has been established, this amount  may then be administered as a single dose or in divided doses.
The average daily maintenance dosage in clinical trials was 4 to 8 mg (two to four capsules). A dosage of 16 mg (eight capsules) was rarely exceeded. If clinical improvement is not observed after treatment with 16 mg per day for at least 10 days, symptoms are unlikely to be controlled by further administration. IMODIUM® administration may be continued if diarrhea cannot be adequately controlled with diet or specific treatment.
Rach xxx
Dec 26, 2010 5:59 pm
Hi there, I have taken Imodium for 20+ yrs for Chrohn's disease. I asked my Doctor about how much is too much? Told him I was up to 10 at least a day...HA he said he has patients who take far more than that just to make it to work! He feels it is not a harmful drug and the one they perscribe is the same in effectiveness. I guess it goes back to the "risk/benefit" of any drug. He also said the diarrhea was far more damaging to me in many ways than the drug. So I take 2 as soon as I get up and 1 before I eat anything during the helps quite a bit! So I do not worry about how much I take anymore~~~

Hope this helps and best to you

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Dec 26, 2010 6:05 pm
I'm confused ... those of you with ileostomies ... you use imodium to control output?

In my UC days, I'm sure I kept the company going

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-- but since my ileo, docs and specialists have said to control output with food. To avoid imodium ... it can contribute to blockages.

Just wondering why the differences in docs' opinions on the imodium (like they're usually all on the same page ... not ... LOL).

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Dec 26, 2010 11:46 pm
Hi there,  we Canadians must have same information because I  also stay away from  ...a little too late for me

I used to take Imodium daily to prevent me from using the bathroom while at work....befor I got my bag.  I have a huge anxiety issue with public bathrooms.

Well,  over the years of using it........testing has shown that is may have contributed to my cancer in  way.

so................................. I have been working with a nutricionist ,  doctors,  you name it,  and the best food for it is................................................BANANAS and OATMEAL!!!!

One of each in the morning and in evening............and what a huge difference.

Honestly....try it

good luck
Past Member
Dec 27, 2010 3:02 am
HI, I can take up to 8 a day but Imodium isn't the answer. I also take DTO (Distilled Tincture of Opium) to stop the flow. I had my ileo last January and still put out nothing but fluid.
Past Member
Dec 27, 2010 3:42 am
It was my understanding that Imodium would not be effective for reducing ileo-output. That it's based on what we eat etc.

I use Lomotil very sparingly in case of hyper output and bad diarrhea. I hate it.

I haven't bought Immodium in years though.

The way I control my output is the good ole BRAT diet. I will add a cup of rice or 1/4 cup of applesauce or sliced bananas to EVERY meal. No exception. People just think I'm healthy but it's because I have no colon.

Oh yeah, I used to take Questran. I may ask to take that again. It was awesome and it's good for you.

I'm disappointed to read that the doctors said Imodium is not dangerous. It certainly is. I overdosed on Imodium and Bentyl in the mid 90's. I was lucky that the visual impairment was reversable. Be careful.
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Dec 27, 2010 8:26 am
Have you had any of your small Intestine removed as well? If yes you will have a higher out put than a standard ileo. and the thickening foods won't work as they do for a normal ileo. I'm from the UK seems our advice from doctors is different. My doctors tell me Imodium is a safe drug to take with an ileo. You can take a lot more than the recomended dose with doctors advice.  I have a high output I take Imodium syrup and Lomotil, take them at least 30 minutes before you eat.
Dec 27, 2010 10:06 am
I'm disappointed to read that the doctors said Imodium is not dangerous. It certainly is. I overdosed on Imodium and Bentyl in the mid 90's. I was lucky that the visual impairment was reversable. Be careful.[/quote]

Crikey ~ There wasn't much on the net about the above side effects when I looked for Poppie..... it is available over the counter over in the UK - and I know a child who has been on it  for years because of bowel problems ..... what sort of doseage where you taking to get that awful side effect??


Rach xx
Dec 27, 2010 10:46 pm
Hi everyone....Finally a question I can have a say in...I have had stanley the stoma for almost 7yrs...The specialists had me on immodium...and what a joke..up to 20 a day and it made not one ounce of difference...I had my whole small bowel removed and next they want the rest(colon and large bowel) hell they will get it ..I was classed as a high out put ileostomy..They tried EVERYTHING  on me..from more pills to thick foods and bananas..Yep you guessed,nothing.Nothing worked.As my weight drastically dropped to 36 kilos....AND they were quite prepared to let me go home this way...16yrs before,I was put on Codiene to slow the bowel down as no idiot doctor or specialist picked I had Crohns...I.b.s is what they said...Another joke...So I say."Hey what about Codiene again?"."Oh yeah I guess we can try them"..GGGRRRRR!!Stupid prik.So now after all these yrs I finally have some weight back and no high output...BUT I am up to 8 a day...and if the bag plays up and needs fresh air...I take a couple more in one go and NOTHING comes out for a few hrs...So I am able to remove wafer and such and sit naked and let things heal...Like the Toyota ad....'' OH WHAT A FEELING!!!!!......Anyway,hope this helps....Tara..Cairns

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Dec 27, 2010 11:25 pm
Tara!!!!! Hope you are okay?

Missed you girl ....xxxxxxx
Dec 27, 2010 11:43 pm
Hi there....thanks Im doing and bothered but whos complaining...Missed everyone on here...Hope your all well and happy...MWAH!!!!

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Dec 28, 2010 3:21 am
I am sure one has to use some trial and error approach to regulate output.  My colostomy is mucy easier to manage of course than those with ileo.  Blockages ARE REAL if too much Immodium is used.  Therefore, the common sense.  I'm good with one, two slows things down well.  I don't take two often unless real sick or high out put.

Life is good.  Loren
Dec 28, 2010 5:49 am
how i got my fistulas was they found 2 twists and 2 holes in my bowel after 18 days in a coma and 14 weeks in hospital they pulled my stomach muscles to both of my sides so they left me with a open wound with a skin graft over it but unfortunately have developed 3 fistulas the 2 bottom ones have corroded some of the skin graft away so the bags want stick any more so i have to use wound dressing but they leak after a while thats why i was asking about the imodium i am having surgery later next year to fix every just getting frustrated have seen st nurse       poppie
Dec 30, 2010 6:37 pm
The fistula won't be effected by imodium, i have two as well as the illeo. bloody things

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I was told to try and find away to slow output with food and to use the loperamide (imoduim) for slowing it when travelling or to sleep at night.  my concern would be blockages too. Anything codiene based will have the same effect. I think you need to look at your diet, maybe a food diary see if there is something that sets you off more than others good luck
