Hey Gordon,
I've been where you're at, I guess many on here have. As Panther said, you have to accept your new self.......and get back to loving yourself.....before anyone else will love you. It took me more than 2 years.......closer to 4.......but you get there. And when you do, you stop thinking of yourself as an "ostomate" and you'll be back to thinking of yourself as Gordon...with a slight modification. Maybe Gordon 2.0. And then you'll start being your old self, the one people will want to be around, and life will start up again.......in some ways better, and in some ways worse. But that's life. You sound like life's been as unkind to you as it has to many of us.......but the old adage is true........what doesn't kill you DOES make you stronger. And I'm not trivializing what you're going through now, or giving you a pat on the head and saying it will all be better soon. Only you'll know when it's better........but it will get better. Trust me, if it didn't..........I'd be the first one on here to tell you so.
So as far as dating goes.......if you want to put your foot in the water right now......expect some disappointment. If you can't handle that, then don't do it. Wait until you're you. I know.......that doesn't help with the loneliness or having a rock to support you through this. But if your options are getting more depressed or being lonely.......go the lonely route and get a dog! Or cat, snake, fish, parrot.......whatever suits you. Depression is much harder to deal with and treat than loneliness. And yeah, I know, easier said than done.......but you're going to have to pick a path......so choose wisely. When you are ready to date, don't feel that your only option is another ostomate.......it's not. I wouldn't preclude an ostomate either, but just being with one won't remove all the barriers typically between men and women in terms of relationships. Yeah, it's pretty cool to have a partner that understands what you're dealing with, and that you can be yourself with, rather than always feeling like you have to hide the fact that you have a shitbag on your tummy. But you'll find as we all get older everyone has their demons or warts or whatever you want to call it........even the non-ostomates. And if they don't.......they will. No one gets out of this alive.
One thing I may look into is dating nurses. Don't laugh, with their wacky hours there's tons of them out there looking for a partner who understands their stressful way of life. Just Google "Date a Nurse" and you'll find there's tons of dating sites devoted to just that. And you know that for the most part they're incredibly kind and don't sweat the small stuff, as they deal with life and death all day. You may find they understand (at least more than non-ostomates) what your world is like and it won't make them run screaming from the table on your first date. Anyway, just a suggestion.
Hang in there, bro.......it just takes time, and you can't rush it. When you get back to being you, you'll know it. That's the time to go find a partner for the last chapter of your book........who'll love Gordon, not the ostomate named Gordon.