Greetings All...
As a new member to this site I have to say I've been really impressed with all the helpful information, suggestions and encouragement provided by so many of you in this community!
Participating on this site will be a rather different experience for me in that I have never got involved in the social media scene, the Facebooks, Twitter's etc. - should be interesting I am sure.
A bit about myself...
I am a cancer survivor, or so my oncologist tells me - having completed the full regimen of radiation, chemo-X2 and lastly surgery, all my tests, scans etc. since have come back with the "All-clear" - yahoo!
The re-arrangement and reduction of my body's lower parts (i.e. getting my colostomy, LOL), took place coming up to a year ago. And so for about the last 9 months I have been learning to adjust to having this bag-thing attached to the front of me. Such fun! 😉
In spite of knowing about support groups, like this one, available to make this 'adjustment' phase easier for new Ostomates - I just didn't "get a round to it" for some reason. Just plain STUPID I guess! You see, I must be one of those fools that seems to think that he has to figure everything out on his own. 🤔 Oh well, better late than never - at least that's what I'm going with!
Going forward I will try to reach out to you people with my questions, concerns, successes and perhaps some random thoughts of my own on all things STOMA.
I am going to get to some specific things now and put out a follow-up post or two. Maybe some of you can relate / help me out... Thx.