New Book Launched

Jul 17, 2015 1:03 am
Hi Everyone, This has been an exciting week for me. On July 7th my book launched titled Stanley and Me make three. We know this journey very well and I promised myself, once my health started to improve, I would write a book to help others walking a similar path.

In the beginning, it wasa small journal which simply evolved. As time went on and after attending several support groups, I decided that my goal was to give back and to help others faced with this surgery. As I shared previously on different posts, I felt so alone and isolatedwhile I was sick. Immediately following surgery, I did not know anyone with an ostomy to confide about my fears of living life with a stoma and a bag. Once again, I experienced those feelings of isolation and loneliness and I loathed those feelings. I fought them every single day for approximately two months post surgery. As my journal began to take shape as a book, I also began to feel better and stronger. I researched publishers and found a company who was interested in my story and my mission. This is a story of Hope as Hope is the antidote for fear. Stanley and Me make three is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the Tate publishing website. Please let me know what you think. I really love the cover as it is reflective and inspiring - I helped design it:) Thanks again friends and fellow ostomates. Sincerely, LadyHope aka Jayne Prescott

Jul 17, 2015 2:46 pm
Hi LadyHope! I just purchased your book on Amazon. I can't wait to read it! Have a great weekend!
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Jul 17, 2015 7:25 pm
Thank you so much Heidi92. I can't wait for your feedback. It was very exciting for me to write. It is short but sends a message of Hope. Thank you again. Have a nice weekend also. It is supposed to be a hot one here. Take care. LH
Jul 18, 2015 6:24 pm
Great cover.........Congratulations......
Jul 18, 2015 6:42 pm
Thank you WAB!

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 19, 2015 12:35 am
congrats on being published. that's something I have always wanted to do, write a book.
Jul 19, 2015 5:43 pm
Hi MMSH, Thank you for the post. Yes, this has been an exciting experience for me and it is taking off beautifully. What type of book would you like to write? Something similar or an entirely different subject? BTW, do you happen to have the meet an ostomate administration's email address available? WAB suggested that I ask you. If you do, would you please send it to me when you have a moment. I would like to contact them in order to send my book information to our members as a reference piece. Thank you again MMSH. Hope you have a nice afternoon and I will be looking for your book in the future. LH
Jul 20, 2015 12:33 am
LH, I don't have the admins address but you might try the contact us button on the main menu page. going to write a novel someday...
Jul 20, 2015 1:29 am
Thank you MMSH. I shall. Have a nice evening. LH
Jul 20, 2015 8:57 pm
I have ordered your book from.BN can't wait to read it.Rosiesmom
Jul 20, 2015 11:15 pm
Thank you so much Rosiesmom! I am very excited about the book. I hope to provide peace to those walking a similar journey. Thank you again. LH
Jul 22, 2015 7:06 am
hi lady hope, you beat me to it.I start a creative writing course in sept so ill get there in the end, well gonna look today and but it
Jul 22, 2015 7:06 am
i may even buy it haha
Jul 22, 2015 11:21 am
that's it, its on its of my gripes is the lack of open free information about this thing in the open world, and that's what creates this taboo thing about folk not wanting to disscuss.ive started photo bombing and group pics that I appear in, at the last minute I slip my waistband up to reveal my bag, nobody notices until they look at the pics, its my way of saying, look its great. i did it yesterday with my walking and climbing group and it got a mixed reaction.keep up the great work
Jul 22, 2015 12:02 pm
Well blueonthetyne, I'll bet you gave them aright gliff! Hey maybe it will attract new members. A sense of humor goes a long way. Rosiesmom
Jul 22, 2015 6:37 pm
Thank you for a great post. Are the pics posted on line? You are so right...people do not like to talk about gaining an ostomy or the surgery that is involved. But, this medical intervention kept us alive and living life. Having an ostomy is not the scarlet letter but a badge (bag) of courage. It is not perfect, but then again what is in life anyway? Thank you again. LH
Jul 22, 2015 7:22 pm
Congratulations on your publication Ladyhope. There are many people who want to write a book and probably should. However, there are comparatively few who manage to follow through on their wishes and get the job done. Well done!!Best wishesBill
Jul 22, 2015 8:15 pm
Thank you Bill for the kind post. I appreciate it. Hope you have a great day. LH
Jul 25, 2015 1:11 pm
Hi LH Barnes and Noble called the book is in I pick it up today can't wait to read it. Congrats. Again.Rosiesmom
Jul 25, 2015 1:39 pm
Thank you Rosiesmom! Please let me know what you think. My hope is that it gives the new ostomate and/or one facing surgery hope. Have a nice day. LH
Jul 26, 2015 1:37 pm
Hi L.H I just read about Stanley! Your recounting of how he came to be is wonderful. I wish you and him many many glorious years together, our stories are very similar except Rosie came to me after a cancerous tumor was removed. I can honestly say I have come to lve her and all her wee I am also blessed to have a Michael! Tony has been my rock and cheering section for 48 years. I hope that all those who read your story will see that there is nothing to fear it is akin to having your first child you have to learn their likes and dislikes. Well done LH you told it like it is. Thank you. Rosiesmom
Jul 26, 2015 1:59 pm
Thank you for the wonderful review. I am so made my day. Yes, Stanley is like the child that I never had (in a way). I have to care for him and make certain everything is doing well. Michael has been wonderful through this entire situation. He was and is my rock. Tony and Michael are very similar. We are blessed. Take care Rosiesmom and I look forward to talking soon. PS - Will you be attending the upcoming conference in St. Louis, MO? Mike and I are... please let me know as it would be nice to meet. Have a great Sunday. The weather here in PA is sunny and hot. I love the summer. LH
Jul 26, 2015 6:34 pm
You ere welcome. No I will not be attending the conference I have other obligations at that time. It would have been great to have met you and some of the other amazing people on this site. God willing perhaps next time. Rosiesmom
Jul 27, 2015 10:30 pm
Hi,I read your book and it is very encouraging. We have a lot in common,and my illness was like yours. It was cute the way you compared your butt to Barbie's. You look like Barbie, but you are too modest to admit it.
Jul 28, 2015 12:20 am
Thank you very much Heidi for the kind words. I am so glad that you liked the book and found it encouraging. Yes, we have a similar medical background. How are you feeling? Is your reserval scheduled soon? Also, I tried to respond to your private chat but for some reason I was not able. Sometimes I can and sometimes the program will not allow me. Sorry:( The email works. I will send you a response. Thank you again. Hope you have a great evening. Jayne aka LadyHope
Jul 28, 2015 9:42 pm
Hi Heidi, I tried to send an email to you. For some reason, it won't go through. I was able send emails last week. It may have something to do with membership status, I am not certain. Thank you again for your post and review. I really appreciate it. Hope your day was great. Take care - LH
Jul 29, 2015 9:52 am
Your welcome and I did have a great day! I hauled the teens around all day! We had some back to school shopping to do.
Aug 18, 2015 2:04 am
Hi Heidi, How are you doing? Are you all ready for back to school. I can't believe that it is mid August already. Seeing the back to school ads remind me of days gone by. August is my favorite month of the year. Take care. Have a nice week. LH
Aug 18, 2015 2:45 pm
Hi lady hope, How are you? My kids started school on August fifth and I miss them already! They just grow up too fast. As for me, I just found out that I have a stricture. So the reversal will be put on hold for now. I will be going in next week for balloon dilation of the area. I am not looking forward to it, but at least it's not surgery. I am trying to remain positive, but it has been hard lately. Hope you have a nice week too.
Aug 18, 2015 8:29 pm
Hi Heidi, I am so sorry about the stricture. What exactly is it? The balloon dilation sounds like a angioplasty of the intestine. Is the intestine bent somehow bent below the stoma? You are so right...this is not another surgery and it is good that you are keeping as positive as possible. Positive is good. I understand completely. There is a saying...fake it to make it. Sometimes if I fake the smile, the negative passes and I get into a good mood. It sounds strange but it helps me. My work week is pretty good so far. I was away at the Jersey shore last week. The weather was nice and I was able to walk along the shore line in an out of the water. I don't go into the water anymore...not because of my stoma but because of The movie Jaws. The film ruined it for me in 1975....LOL. But I love the beach. Good luck to you and keep me posted. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Heidi. Take care. LH