Seeking Advice - Coping with Parastomal Hernia Pain

Miss Worrier
Mar 27, 2022 1:50 pm

Does anyone else have pain with their parastomal hernia? And if so, what helps with the pain?

Mar 28, 2022 7:37 am

Hello Miss Worrier.

I certainly have pain  with my parastomal hernia at times, but I thought that the pain just goes with the condition. There seem to be certain things that can make the pain worse, which I try to avoid. These are things like trapped wind or waste, which put pressure on it until such time as the pressure is released. Hence I try to avoid a diet or activity that might create this condition. 

I also use a hernia belt, which I must admit does not help much with avoiding the pain, but it does give me a bit more peace of mind and confidence that maybe the hernia won't get more problematic than it already is. 

One thing that I did find was helpful (for a while), was using the stoma plugs. The plugs managed to get past the hernia and open up the passageway at that point to let trapped air out ( the plugs are porous).  I don't know whether this would be of any use with an ileostomy as these have problems of their own that are different from colostomies. In any case, the plugs sometimes caused the very problems I was trying to circumnavigate, because they would get pushed out by the peristalsis and put pressure on the outside of the stoma, which was just as bad in terms of pain as the pressure from the inside.

The short answer to your question is therefore, that I have the problems, but don't have any suitable, sustainable solutions. I do hope that others might chip in with this thread and come up with other suggestions.

Best wishes


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Miss Worrier
Mar 28, 2022 12:48 pm
Reply to Bill

Thank you, Bill! My pain is mostly in the afternoon - evening. I am scheduled for an ileostomy reversal on the 13th of April. The doctor says she will fix the hernia then. I'm just dreading the pain until then! But I guess I have no choice. Thank you again!

Mar 28, 2022 3:34 pm
Reply to Miss Worrier

Hello Miss Worrier.

Best of luck with the reversal and may all your problems be resolved.

Best wishes


Old Bud
Mar 29, 2022 2:54 am

Oh boy. I fear pain. My surgeon wants me to do a reversal but because I am (so far) pain-free, I am hesitant. My large hernia seems to be growing and the stoma is prolapsing quite a bit, but other than the odd twinge, I am so happy to not have the pain I had before the ileostomy. Did it always hurt or did the pain develop over time? Have you tried THC? I wish you peace.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Miss Worrier
Mar 30, 2022 1:45 pm
Reply to Old Bud

Hi old bud! My pain started about 6 weeks after my ileostomy! I am 3 months having it today! The hernia is about the size of half a grapefruit! I am scheduled for reversal April 13th! Praying for this pain to be gone after!!!