Finally, after 5.5 months, I am reconnected! I had a temporary ileostomy due to colon cancer, no radiation or chemo needed.
If you've never read my posts before, I'm open and don't hold back. :)
Well, I had my first “evacuation” from my reconnected plumbing. Totally bright red and kinda surprising! But my doctor said it's normal. Glad to report I still have some tone to help me get to the restroom in enough time with those cheek squeezes!
I had a lot of trouble with nausea last night, so I was moved back to NPO. Apparently, hiccups cause issues with vomiting, and hiccups are normal after anesthesia (although I've never had them). But today I farted and can eat slowly!
Curious if anyone has had a “pen” drain before? Does it hurt to be removed? I assume I may go home tomorrow and thus have it removed soon.
Thank you all for your words of wisdom and suggestions over the last months. I learned a lot. I'm nervous about fecal incontinence at home, but at least I'll have my own shower to clean up in.
How did you keep your wound dry while showering? How long did it take for the stoma site to heal? Any special wound care tips? Thanks again! I'm always here for quality too.