Hello all!
Anyone have to fight insurance to cover excess skin removal in the abdomen? I Need some advice.
I have had an ileostomy since 2012. I had always been morbidly obese and eventually ended up with a large hernia and then large pressure ulcers. My GI doctor and plastic surgeon told me a large weight loss would help in many ways but hernia repair, stoma relocation and excess skin removal was my best option for long term success.
Over two years I lost 125 pounds. I now have large amounts of hanging skin. My insurance (Cigna) refused the skin removal and initially denied and then approved moving the stoma. I went ahead and had the stoma moved and the hernia fixed due to the chance of the small intestine twisting and a large, bleeding, painful ulcer that could not be healed.
My skin is extremely wrinkled and has absolutely no firmness. The surgical result is now a recessed stoma, buried at least an inch under the skin line, a bag that hangs much lower than normal and a week post op, lots of leaks and skin breakdown already I’m beside myself. Any advice on fighting the insurance?
Thanks in advance.